Chapter 24

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[Last Time]

Ross: so tell me... How was the date

Laura: amazing, one that I will never forget

Ross: awesome... So since the day was so amazing *takes her hands* I wanted to ask you something

Laura: and what might that be

Ross: would you like to be my girlfriend

Laura: yes I would love too

He smiles and them totally catches me off guard my smashing his lips to mine. I hear something happen behind us but neither of us bother pulling away.

???: can you two stop kissing and get in here so I can talk to Laur

We pull away and look to see Rydel.... I guess I have some explaining to do


Laura's POV
Rydel dragged me inside and all the way upstairs into her room. She sets me on the bed next to Nessa and then she sits next to me.

Rydel: okay so tell us all about it

Vanessa: every detail

Laura: okay well he took my to the stardust diner for dinner. Lilly was our waiter and she told me that both of you told her about my date

Vanessa: oh yeah she texted me and I told her

Rydel: yeah then we started talking about it

Laura: okay... so anyway we told We got one large
Chocolate milkshake and then both of us got buffalo crispy wings with fries

Rydel: awe you shared a milkshake... that's so cute

Laura: can I finish my story

Rydel: oh yeah sorry

Laura: anyway... After we finished our food we made our way back here, he asked me to be his girlfriend, I said yes then we kissed until Rydel ruined our moment

Rydel: yeah sorry about that

Riker: *distant* GILRS LETS GO

Vanessa: well we better get going

Laura: what are we doing anyway

Rydel: we're going to watch movies and play some games

Laura: fun... Let's go

We walk all the way downstairs and into the family room. I look over and see Ross sitting on the small couch on his phone. I walk over and sit right next to him. He looks over to me and smiles. He puts his arm around me and I lay my head on his chest.

Ryland: so what are we doing first

Laura: let's watch a movie

Riker: you only want to watch a movie cause you two wanna cuddle

Ross: okay then what do you wanna do?

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