Chapter 2

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    "I don't know you." He responded with an untrusting look.

    "I don't know me either." I replied. "But I seem like a pretty nice guy."

 He rolled his eyes.

    "Here's what I do know." I attempted to get him on my side. "You and I were both unconscious on the same sidewalk. It couldn't have been some mugger, because I couldn't move for a whole week, and I'm positive you had a similar story. Tell me, what object did you have to look at for 168 hours?"

 He raised his brow at me and nudged his head toward the window.

    "You think that's bad? You're looking at a guy who was staring at a wall 24/7."

 He smirked and looked away. I could tell I was getting to him.

    "Can you tell me your name?"

    "Elian. I think."

    "Elian, I'm Cayson. And I have a bad feeling. This place isn't safe. And we don't have time."

 Elian looked at me for a few seconds. Then he hopped out of his bed, but found he had the same struggle as I did and fell to the floor immediately. I smirked, and gave him a small nod, as to say "You'll get used to it."

    "Great, awesome, great! Okay, my doctor knows I'm in this room with you. I'm lucky I got here as fast as I did. We've got a few seconds to hide, because they are going to come in any time now, and after they leave we'll be able to make a run for it. Hide in that closet behind the clothes, I'll hide behind the bed."

 We quickly got in to our hiding positions, and a second after, we heard the door open. I mentally high-fived myself at my brilliant timing. I quickly looked over the bed. It wasn't the doctor at all. It was a tall black man in a suit, accompanied by a man and lady behind him, also in suits. The lady had a roundish face, with also roundish eyes. Her eyes were a light brown, and she had plenty of mascara on, as if she was going to go to a photo shoot right after this. Her lips were brownish red, mostly likely from some weird lipstick, and her dark hair was pulled back into a tight ponytail. The man to her right was white, with blond-mushroom hair and silver glasses. He had green eyes, and was using them to scan the whole room. When his eyes passed over the bed I was hiding behind I ducked and held my breath. He had a smug smile, like he was a know-it-all. Finally, there was the tall black man in front of them both. He was definitely not as appealing. He had thin, rough, high cheek bones, with dull brown eyes, almost completely black. His lips were pale and always curled in a small frown, like nothing was going his way. He looked over 6'6, so he definitely was the type of man who could easily leave a person cowering.

 They were all holding these scary needles. Being that I wasn't a fan of scary needles, I gulped. I raised my head a little, so that I was able to see what was going on, but so I couldn't be spotted unless squinted at.

    "The doctor said they were in here, I swear." The woman frowned.

    "You sure?" The tall man turned around. "A room number could be a dime in a dozen. Maybe you simply misheard what that polite and oh-so responsible doctor was trying to say. Would that be a possibility for such a stupid mistake?"


    "No excuse!" He barked. "Those kids are ahead of us now!"

 He kicked the woman in the stomach. She fell to ground and dropped her needle. It slid over to me. I left it alone. If I took it, it would be out of their sight, and they would start looking throughout the room and find us.

 The woman sputtered out some blood. The tall man crouched down on one knee and stared at her.

    "You mess up again and it'll be your last stupid mistake. Do you understand me?" She nodded up and down, scared out of her mind.

    "They couldn't have gone far, Kael, sir." The other man informed brushing his hair back, unfazed by his colleague in pain. "We could still locate them."

 The tall man, Kael, I guess, stood up along with the woman.

    "Then let's go." He turned to the woman. "You better pray we find these kids. You don't want to be confronted by Mr. Mac...especially when he's angry." Then they left. Just like that.

 Elian slowly opened the doors and stepped out of the closet.

    "Holy popcorn flakes and chicken noodles. What the cheese and crackers just happened?" He yelled. Okay, that's not what he really said. But, you know.

    "I know." I gasped. "This whole situation is completely insane. This is all happening so quickly."

    "We need to call the cops."

    "I feel like that's the worst thing we could do. That would just attract attention. And those guys looked like they mean business."

    "Then what do you propose we do?" He ran his fingers through his short black hair.

 I picked up the syringe they left behind, and examined it. It had a cap on it, and some sort of green liquid behind it's plastic coating. I held it up to Elian's face, making him jump back.

    "We could find out what's in this by taking it to the nearest lab." I grinned triumphantly.

    "You can't be serious."

    "I'm serious and don't call me Shirley."

    "I didn't" He muttered.

    "Listen, this could be our chance to find out if they're serious about this. If they actually want to kill us."

    "They look like they would like more than anything to kill us. What's his name...Kyle?"

    "I think it was Kael. Like KAH-EL." I corrected.

    "Whatever! You saw Kael hit that poor lady! He is downright evil! I'm out, man! I'm calling the cops!"

    "Elian, listen." I grabbed his shoulder. "Even if you're right, which you definitely are, we can still use this as a weapon to fight back!" I held up the syringe in his face again, but this time he didn't flinch. 

    "Aren't you just the least bit curious what's inside this thing, or what they were planning on doing with it?"

 He looked at me, an unsure expression on his face.

    "There is so much we don't know. Finding out what's the secret inside this mysterious syringe can very well clear a lot of things up. Are you with me or not?"

 Elian looked at me, then the syringe, then back at me.

    "Alright" Elian sighed. I mentally cheered. "Fine. There was an iPhone in the closet. Let me see the nearest, uh, lab, I guess, on Google Maps."

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