Chapter 2

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Katy's POV;

Leaving everyone behind was harder than I thought it was going to be. I didn't want to leave all of them, but I had to. Who knows? Maybe they all knew about Daemon and Ash and were waiting for me to find out. 

I had no idea where I was going. I figured that I would find a town that maybe I could get a job in and settle down. Keep away from everyone. I knew that Daemon was going to try and find me, but I would never go back with him. Ever. 

I was driving down a street when my phone started to ring. I looked at it. 


I knew that I shouldn't answer, but I couldn't help it. If something was wrong and this had nothing to do with me leaving, then I was going to regret not answering. So, I answered and immediately regretted doing so. 


I winced and pulled the phone away from my ear. 

"I'm sorry, Dee. I had to leave, though. Did Daemon even tell you what happened?" I asked. I had a feeling that he didn't. He knew that Dee would be the crap out of him if he knew that I walked in on him and Ash kissing. 

Dee huffed. "No. He just said that you left and that if you wanted me to know what then you would tell me. If I could get you to answer the phone, that is."

I smiled. I'm surprised with myself that I answered the phone. 

"So, why did you leave? Did you and Daemon get into a fight or something? You know that if you did, you guys are going to make up. You guys always make up," Dee said. 

I winced. "Yeah, I guess you could say that we got into a fight."

Dee huffed. "Well? What happened?" 

I took a deep breath. "I walked in on him and Ash kissing. In our room."

It was silent for about two minutes. 

"Dee?" I asked. 

"What did you just say?" She asked in a voice that sounded dangerous. I wouldn't want to be Daemon when she gets a hold of him. 

"I walked in on him and Ash kis-,"

"Yeah, I heard you the first time. I just wanted to give you a chance to change your answer or to tell me that you are just kidding," She said in the same voice. 

"Nope. This is real. So, that's why I left. And I'm sorry Dee, but I'm not coming back."

"Yes you are," She said. 

I sighed. "I'm sorry, Dee. But I can't."

"Surely you wouldn't miss your own boyfriends funeral, right? Because that is going to be happening very soon. And it's going to be a closed casket."

I laughed at her. 

"Just wait until Archer and Luc find out. Not to mention Dawson."

Over the years, all of the boys have become very protective of us girls. Dawson is the most protective of me. I don't know why. We were at the store one time, getting diapers for Ashley, and this guy came up to me asking for my number. I told him no, and when he grabbed my waist, Dawson was not happy. He broke all five of his fingers and his wrist. That had to be one expensive medical bill. 

"Katy, just come back. You don't have to stay with Daemon. We can go and get all of your things and you can stay with us. We have two guest bedrooms. You can even have a whole bathroom to yourself."

I contemplated it for a moment. I knew that I wasn't going to be able to stay away from all of them for long, especially with Ashley. I missed her so much already and it has only been a couple hours. 

"Fine, but I won't see Daemon. You have to tell me if he is coming over so that I can get out of there before he gets there. He really hurt me, Dee." I hated how my voice broke at the end of that sentence. 

"Oh, he's not welcome here. He hurt my sister."

I smiled at that. "I love you so much, Dee."

I could here the smile in her voice. "I love you too. Now get your ass over here. I'm going to call Archer so that me and him can go over to your house and get your things."

"Alright. I'm going to stop and get something to eat and then I will be there."

"Okay, see you soon! Love you and be careful."

"I will. And I love you too," I said. With that, I hung up the phone and turned around at the next U-turn. Wow, I didn't expect that I would be going back so soon, but I knew that I wasn't going to be able to stay away from them for very long. I love all of them so much. They are all a big part of my life. 

I didn't know what I was going to do about Daemon. I mean, I knew that I was going to have to see him. He is a part of the family and we can't all stay away from him because of what he did to me. As much as I didn't want to, I knew that I was going to have to see him. And Ash, too. I was going to have to see her, and I didn't know what I was going to do. I am most likely going to end up attacking her. I won't be able to stop myself. They way that she talked about what her and Daemon did before him and me were together was bad enough. Now, she is going to be able to talk about what Him and her did while we were together. I am not going to be able to handle that. 

I pulled into a little diner so that I could get something to eat before I went to Dee's. 

I walked in the door and I felt him before I saw him. 

The tingling in the back of my neck. 

Daemon is here. 

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