New seeds

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I was getting all the meats and drinks, and she was getting the seasonings, deserts, and side stuff. I finally got finish, and saw her at the register. I walked up with my bucket, and got it all scanned, and played for it.
We put all the stuff in my trunk, and she got in the drivers seat, and we left. We pulled up to my house, and I snatched my keys from the ignition, and started grabbing the groceries, and walked in the house to see Brittany on her phone just grinning, who she texting they must be having a interesting conversation, because she quickly cut off her phone, and put it in her pocket, and walked in the downstairs bathroom.
Brittany POV:
I was texting Michael, and Deonta walked in with groceries, but I know he wouldn't even like the idea of Michael being my friend, so I quickly cut off my phone, put it in my pocket, and walked in the downstairs bathroom.
Well, our conversation started when.......
My phone vibrated, and I saw I had a text from Michael, so it read.
Michael: Hey what you doing?
Me: Just sitting around waiting for Deonta to get back home.
Michael: Oh, you with him again?
Me: yeah.
Deonta: Why?
Me: Because he's the father of my child, and I love him.
Michael: I love you to, and I think your beautiful, smart, amazing, and I want to be with you, and be the stepfather of your child.
I started smiling, and that's when Deonta walked in. I walked in the bathroom, and texted him back.
Me: Sorry, got to go, but I respect your feelings doctor, ttyl, bye.
Doctor: Bye .
I flushed the toilet, and walked out the bathroom to see Deonta cooking with Deanna.
Me: Hey you guys.
Deanna: Hey chick!
Deonta: Hey.
Me: So, what y'all cooking?
Deanna: I'm making salad, and steak, and Deonta is making the homade French fries, and sweet tea.
Me: Nice, wake me up when all the plates are fixed, and with that I dozed off.
*30 minutes later*
Deonta POV:
We finally finished fixing the plates, and I walked over to Brittany on the couch sleep with her phone in her pocket, half way out. I wanted to see what's going on, so I pulled it out, and her eyes shot open.
Brittany: What are you doing?
Me: Um...Your phone was about to fall out of your pocket, so I got it, and dinner is ready.
Brittany: Thanks Bae.
I gave her a kiss on the cheek, and walked to the table, and begin eating.
Oh, ma-ma ma-ma I just shot a man down at central station in front of a big-
Brittany: Hello?
Brittany: Excuse me.
She walked outside the front door, and me and Deanna just continued eating, and I had this strange feeling she was cheating, but I can't be assuming sh*t, because that messes up relationships, I gotta have solid evidence. I put my plate in the sink, and walked out the house, and sneaked behind Brittany.
Brittany: I told you I can't!
Brittany: No, I told you what my situation was but you can't except that I can't be with you, we can only be friends, we can't be as close!
Brittany: Ok, I'll meet you at the diner at 4:00 pm, be there!
Brittany: Love you to, bye.
I stepped a few steps back, and she turned around, and nearly flied.
Brittany: Ahhhhhh!
Me: (Laughing) You scary!
Brittany: How long you been standing there?
Me: Long enough for you to say bye.
Brittany: Hahaha very funny(sarcastically)
Me: We finish eating, y-
I looked down to see that girl pissing on herself, like I can't get no heads up, I gotta pee.
Me:Um, you could have told me you had to pee, you could have went.
Brittany: M-My water broke!
All my sight went blurry, and I blacked out.
I woke up to Brittany in my room in a hospital gown.
Me: W-What happened, you lost some pounds.
Brittany: I had the twins!
I looked at her, and smiled.
Brittany: they're in the nursery, you missed it, because you fainted, and hit your head on the chair on the porch, and have a bad cut, and had to get stitches.
Me: D*mn, but when can I see the baby's?
Britt: As soon as i-
She touched her screen and Beyonce Dance for you came on.
I just wanna show you how much I appreciate you wanna show you how much I'm dedicated to you, wanna.
She cut it off, and I started kissing me, and the door bust open, and she fell on the floor, and it was Sherrie: What's wrong with my cousin?
Me: She got scared.
Sherrie: Well, her scary as* need to get up, because her favorite cousin here!
Brittany: You my bi*tch!
Sherrrie: You my bi*ch to!
Brittany: Is you go ride!
Sherrie: You my b*tch I'm bout to ride for you!
Brittany: And when I swing!
Sherrie: Girl you know I'm bout to swing to.
They busted out laughing, and pressed this button on my bed, and walked out. Well d*mn I thought to myself, they just walked out ain't no bye, I love you, nun.
I adjusted my bed, and turned on the sports channel, and there was a knock at the door.
Me: Come in!
I looked at the door, and there stood Deanna with both of my baby's. Tears ran down my eyes.
Me: W-Whats their name?
Deanna: her name is Deshay Deanna Sanders, and his name is Jordan Mayon Sanders.
Deanna: The boy is the oldest bye 5 minutes.
There was another knock, and in walked my mama, and daddy.
Me: Hey you guys.
Sheren: Hey baby, let me see your beautiful babies.
Me: Um, yeah.
She was admiring the baby, and Brittany walked in.
Brittany: Hi you guys.
Us: hey.
Me: Baby, when they go let you leave?
Brittany: Tomorrow afternoon.
Me: Well, I can check out today.
Brittany: Well, that's good but I have to get back to my room, before the nurse come back.
Me: Ight baby, bye.
Brittany: Bye.
She walked out, and my mom handed me Jordan.
Me: Hey Jordan.
He grabbed my pinky finger, and started making little baby noises.
Sheren: Awww.
Me: Mama you ain't gotta do all that, and where did dad go?
Sheren: Oh sh*t I forgot to meet yo daddy at the car, I gotta go baby I love you, and I'll be back while tour daddy is at work, and come check you out tomorrow.
Me: Alright bye mama, love you!
Sheren: Love you to!
I got out of bed, and climbed in my wheelchair, and rolled to Brittany's room. I opened the door, and saw a doctor sitting on the bed next to her.
Me: Um, hello you must be Brittany's doctor?
???: Ummm, yes.
Brittany: He was just about to leave to.
Me: No, No, he's fine now what's your name?
???: M-Michael, Michael Nutten.
Me: Nice to meet you doctor Nutten.
Me: So, what were you talkin-
???: How's everything going Brittany?
Brittany: F-Fine doctor.
Doctor: Oh, doctor Nutten what are you doing on this side you work on surgery.
Me: I thought he was your doctor Britt.
Brittany: H-Hes someone I fooled around with after we broke up, but were just friends now.
Me: Was he the person you were talking to on the porch, when you said I love you!
Me: Was He!!
Brittany: Yes! Yes! It was him, but my heart is with you, your the father to my kids, your the one who showed me love, your the one who is my Clyde, and I'm your Bonnie, I'll never leave your side, don't let this mess up our relationship, I want YOU!!!
Me: Then, why the he*l do you sneak around with him when you know I'm the father of your kids, when you know I showed you love, when you know I would die for you Brittany, and you do this, matter of fact, I'm done with you!
Brittany: No, Deonta, please I'm s-
Me: You can sleep in the guest room from this point forward your clothes will be moved when Deanna drops you off, and Michael I have no respect for you, you sit there and try to take my pregnant girlfriend from me, and you know well she loves me, I never want to see you again, because if I do I think I might have to put a bullet between your eyes.
Brittany: I-Im sorry.
Me: Sorry don't change
With that I rolled out the room, and into mines. I climbed into my bed, and turned off the television, and went to sleep.

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