The Ministry Hearing

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We walked inside, and the place immediatly smelled dark.

"Why would our headquarters be here? It's evil." I asked quietly. Tonks chuckled.

"It belonged to Sirius's parents. It's his now. He's lending it to the Order." she said. I nodded.

We walked inside, and Sirius came over.

"Are you ok?" he asked. Sirius nodded.

there was a meeting going on, so we walked up the stairs. Immediatly I was tackled by a mass of bushy brown hair.

"Hermione!" I exclaimed. Ron came over and I skipped the hand-shaking and hugged him. Fred came down and kissed me.

"Hey, Fred." I breathed. He grinned cheekily at me. George was making loud retching noises behind our backs.

The letters had come in. Ron was staring at his hand. I looked over and grinned.

"The twins won't ever let you live it down." I said.

"what?" they asked immediatly.

"I thought it would be you, mate!" Ron said to Harry.

Ron was a prefect.

Mrs. Weasley came in and was having a heart attack over it. I was laughing with the twins. Hermione came in, and was completely shocked, but I grinned. This was exactly the confidence boster that Ron needed.

I knew Harry was still upset, but at dinner we were told a lot of stuff. Nothing we didn't already know, but at least we did have some new information that Sirius let slip.

"This has something to do with why Voldemort came after you and your parents. They shouldn't keep it from you. Not only do you need to know, but I think you deservde to know why the bastard killed your parents." I said, as I bid him goodbye. Hermione and I filled Ginny in on everything.

"You're right, Savanna. Harry deserves to know why his parents were murdered." Hermione said quietly.

"Good luck with getting Mum to spill though." Ginny said.

At this point I heard sobbing coming from the drawing room. Mrs. Weasley had gone to sort out the boggart, of course! I left the room quickly, and entered.

Harry was laying on the floor, head. CRACK there I was, dead. CRACK. Dead Ginny. CRACK. Dead Bill. Mrs. Weasley was sobbing, pressed against the wall. Harry was standing, dumbstruck.

I stepped in front of Molly and the rouge female was there.

"Ridikkilus!" I exclaimed, and it exploded. I turned.

"Molly-" I began, and she was crying on my shoulder. I hugged her.

"I see them dead all the time! Half the family's in the order! I'm just so worried!" she cried.

"I know. I'm scared too. How do you think I would feel if I lost any of you? And as for Ron and Ginny, do you think we'd let them starve? Bill or Charlie or Sirius or Remus or just about anyone in the Order would take them in." I said. She nodded.

"Don't tell Arthur. I'm bein silly." she said. I shook my head.

"Having fear for those you love isn't being silly, and you know it." I said.

the next day Harry and I woke early, worry hovering in the air. We were both to sick to eat much.

As we walked to the hearing with Mr. Weasley, my stomach was becoming tighter in my worry. eventually we had to stop in an allyway while I shifted, threw up, and shifted back so I didn't mess my nice cloths up.

"Are you ok?" Harry asked. I nodded.

"Worried half to death, but yeah, I'm good." I replied.

when we made it to his office someone ran inside.

"Arthur! The meeting's been changed!" he exclaimed. We ran down to the courtroom and entered.

"You're late." one woman with a monacle said disaprovingly.

"We were unaware that the time had changed, ma'm. We didn't recieve a letter this morning. We only found out when we arrived." I replied politely, sitting gingerly on one of the chairs. I had learned how to handle these situations, with my dad next in line to be Alpha. Harry sat down as well, looking as though he may be sick. I hoped he wouldn't be. They wouldn't let us get a word in, and Dumbledore was helping. Why wouldn't he look at Harry, or me for that matter? When Mrs. Figg came in, my hope was starting to slip.

"Well, they were walking down the alley, and it looked as if Harry and his cousin were having an argument. Savanna stepped in, when the stars vanished without a trace. I heard what they were saying at that point. Harry asked 'How close?' and Savanna told him 'very'. Dudley punched Harry to the ground when the two Dementors came. Harry repelled the first, and Savanna chased the one away from Harry's cousin." she finished.

"How would you know the Dementors were close?" Madame Bones asked.

"I could smell them. It's horrible. Like decay and ice and death." I shuddered at the thought.

"Smell them?" Fudge asked.

"I'm a Spirit Wolf. Though as I am sure you have no knowledge of my kind I will have to explain. To explain to you, it is somewhat a cross between a werewolf and an Animagi. We are closely related to those with Lyncanthropy, and can shift at will. We can also communicate with our inner wolf My wolf's name is Ember." I explained. Fudge snorted.

"I hightly doubt this." he said.

"Savanna, don't you dare." Harry said, as I jumped out of my seat.

"No, I'm going to show these fools that they don't know everything." I growled, and shifted, gracefully phazing from one body to another. Those holding the trial gasped. I shifted back, flicking my hair out of my eyes and sitting back down.

While they spoke, deciding our fates, I was starting to feel sick again. Harry's fate was decided first. He got off. Oh, this was going to be close for me since I lost my temper like that.

Those who wished for me to get off raised their hands. My stomach plummeted. It looked so close!

"You have been relieved of all charges." Madame Bones informed. I let out the breath I had been holding and Harry and I stood. I hugged him in glee.

"I'm going home! I'm going home!" I exclaimed. He laughed. Some of the witches were making cooing noises. Madame Bones smiled at me.

"I read what you wrote in the Daily Prophet last year." she said. i smiled.

"thank you."

I walked outside to see  none other than Lucius Malfoy.

Werewolf in the Wizarding World: The Second War (On Hold)Where stories live. Discover now