The Gift of a Friend

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I saw Harry sitting alone on a balcony. I sat next to him, my feet hanging off the edge. We were watching the Thestrals. He didn't respond.

"You aren't alone, you know." I said. He turned.

"The more you care, the more you have to lose." he said quietly. I grabbed his hand.

"But at least you have it to lose." I replied. He looked confused.

"You have something to lose, but that gives you something to fight for. You're stronger than you think, Harry. The pain will ease. It never goes away, I wish I could tell you that it does, but it never will completely. There will always be the 'what could we have done differently'. What could we have done that night, but we're never going to know because Hermione turned in her time turner. Harry, a friend is all you need." I said.

"Everyone I get close to gets hurt." he whispered.

"We stay though. How many times have Ron and Hermione and I been hurt helping you? We're still here, aren't we? We care enough to get hurt on your crazy adventures." I teased, poking him in the ribs. He chuckled.

'But I'm serious, Harry. You've witnessed some terrible things. We both have. You have me, and Hermione, and Luna and Neville and the Weasleys and Moony and Padfoot. I promise, it'll get better." I said.

"Don't make promises you can't keep." he said.

"I don't." I replied. He rolled his eyes. I nudged him and smiled, making him laugh. We both laughed for a few minutes before just sitting there and enjoying each other's company.

To think I had once been so naïve. It was funny to look back at. I had once thought that any evil in the world could be beaten easily by my parents and our Alpha. I had idolized them, and now... I knew that they weren't unbeatable. I had believed when I first arrived in the Wizarding World that there was no bad here, that those with magic used it for good. I was so amazingly foolish. I've seen death and destruction. I've felt pain and suffering yet for some reason I still have faith in the world.


I don't know.

Has Harry lost his faith?

I don't know.

Will we beat Voldemort?

I don't know.

There is a lot of stuff I don't know, and one thing I do:

This time I will not hide.

This time I am not going down without one hell of a fight.


Ok, I KNOW it's a short chapter, but it does have a lot of meaning to it. I'm typing fast here, and I have band camp all this week so I won't be on much. BYE I HAVE TO GO!

*yells out the bedroom door*

I'm coming, don't leave me! No, I don't want to be late, you think I want to run laps!

Well bye!

*Grabs flag and cooler and bag and hat and sunglasses and rifle and runs*

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