I Never Lie

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I walked into our first Defense Against the Dark Arts class of the year, sitting with Harry, Ron, and Hermione.

"Please read Chapter One. There will be no need to talk." Umbridge said in her simpering voice. Hermoine raised her hand.

"Yes?" Umbridge asked.

"Professor, there's nothing in here about actually using spells." she said, confused.

"Why on earth would you need to use them?" she asked.

"Well we have to defend ourselves somehow." Harry spoke up. She glared at him.

"Who would attack children?" she asked as if it was the most obvious thing in the world.

"Do you want a list?" I asked. She turned to stare.

"You are?" she asked.

"Savanna. Lets see, there are rouge Wolves, Honters, Death Eaters, Voldemort. that's all I can think of off the top of my head but I'm sure there are others that i'm forgetting." I said. She glared.

"You-Know-Who has not returned!" she said.

"So you think we're lying?" Harry asked. She smirked and nodded in conformation. I snorted.

"Wolves don't lie. If we wish to keep our friends from hurting, then yes we might. But no Wolf would ever lie over something that big. It goes against our nature and our honor." I said, and many turned to stare. I held my head high, the Wolf in me shining through. Harry nodded his agreement.

"Detention, you two. Maybe you will learn not to lie." she growled. I glared but said nothing.

that night Harry and I walked into her office.

"I'd like you to write me some lines." she said.

"How many?" Harry asked wearily.

"Oh, we'll see. Write 'I must not tell lies.'" she said.

Ember growled. I wouldn't write it. I never lied.

'I never lie.' sharp pains entered my skin on the back of my hand- it was being etched into my skin. Harry winced, but I masked the pain. My Wolf healing accelerated it, not even leaving scars for a wound that minor.

I continued writing, but every time it healed over within seconds. She smirked at Harry's hand. He had written what he was supposed to. His hand was bloody, wounded. I'd have to help heal him. She looked at my hand and frowned.

"You've been writing?" she asked. I nodded, showing her my lines.

"That isn't what I told you to write. How did you heal your hand?" she asked in a sneer.

"I never lie, Professor. I'm a Spirit Wolf. We heal extraordinarily fast. I need to go." I said, looking outside.

In the common room Hermione was having kittens over what was happening.

"You need to report it!" she told Harry, who shook his head.

"Here, you can borrow some dittany." I said, grabbing a cotton ball and my bottle of the healing solution. I rubbed the cottan ball on his wounds and they healed up a bit.

"Let's go to sleep." I said, yawning and climbing into bed.

I looked at the ever so faint scars on my hand.

I never lie.


GAH! My chapters are so short! ugh! Oh well. What do you think so far! Comment and vote!

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