Bringing Back The Chain

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The twins and I sat in the corner of the common room, all business.

"We could bring back the old Howler Chain." I said, and they both gave me catshire grins.

"The DA already would know to pass it on. What should it say?"

"Kissed by filch or kissed by Umbridge?" I asked. They both gagged a moment before coughing.

"Filch or Umbridge." they chorused. I kissed Fred as he said

"You're such a genious, Savanna." I grinned.

"Of course!"

We sent the first Howler to Pansy Parkinson.

"PANSY PARKINSON! IF YOU DO NOT SEND A HOWLER LIKE THIS TO THIRTEEN OTHER STUDENTS YOU WILL BE KISSED BY UMBRIDGE OR FILCH! HAVE A NICE DAY!" it screamed in a disguised voice. Filch and Umbridge were both purple with rage. McGonagall caught my eye and I winked. She smiled. Whevever anyone in the DA received the howler they wrote out an extra howler or two just to keep the fun going. Even Snape was ignoring them unless they went off in his class. A lot of people ended up having them explode in Umbridge's from refusing to open them, making her hand out a good few detentions. That or they hid them in her room. The twins and I got many high-fives back in the common room.

"Brilliant, Savanna." Ron said. Hermione half-glared but you could tell she was amused.

"I have a few ideas for tomorrow!" I George sang.

That night we borrowed Harry's cloak and the Map and snuck into her quarters. She was snoring in a hairnet and eye-cover thingy.

In the bathroom George charmed her shampoo so it would dissolve her hair. Fred rigged the sink to spray her with water and I soaked her toothbrush in lemon juice.

The next morning she came in looking thoroughly mortified. Her lips were still puckered, she looked as though having recently been drowned, and her hair was gone. Many were laughing and snickering behind their hands. Did we forget to mention that when she got soaked it wouldn't dry?

"I'm loving this." Fred whispered. I nodded.

"I have a whole list of pranks to pull." I said, tapping a long sheet of parchment in my bag. They all grinned.

"I love you, did you know that?" Fred asked. I leaned into him.

"I know, Freddie. I love you too, George." I said, ruffling his hair as he pouted. He hugged me and I pulled myself free.

"I have to go!" I called, racing after Harry, Ron, and Hermione to Charms, where the school was still in mayhem from Howlers popping up everywhere.


I know it's a short chapter but I needed something a bit more lighthearted than what I've had thus far. Any prank ideas are welcome because while Savanna may have a list I most certainly do not!

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