Chapter 6: Kidnapped

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" WAKE UP, " Jay screamed below the hanging cages. His voice echoed around the big dark room.

Everyone locked inside the cages awoke to Jay's loud voice. Watson was the first to notice his little brother below him. " Jay! You're safe! Help us get out before Brother Blood catches you!"

Jay let out a chuckle, " funny you think I am on YOUR side."

" You're not? " Vincent budded in.

Jay snickered, " no."

" What did Brother Blood do to you?!" Watson yelled as he tried combining his molecules to get through the metal bars. " HEY! My powers aren't working!"

" Brother Blood took all your powers away while you were sprayed with one of Mallah's chemical gases."


Brother Blood walked up behind Jay and looked up to give the teens an evil grin. " Jay has awakened you."

" what did you do to my brother!" Jacky yelled as he failed trying to hex out of the cages. " And our powers! "

" Oh look at you, trying to play as big brother. Besides, I did not do anything to hurt the little tyke, " Brother Blood grinned.

" Lies. You are lying. You did something to him. You brainwashed him, didn't you?" Watson gritted his teeth.

Brother Blood only laughed. He spoke to Jay, " come boy, we have much more business to take care of other than these useless beings." Brother Blood and Jay both exited out of the room.

" what are they going to do us? They took everything. They took our gadgets and powers." Sapphire panicked.

" Sapphire stop. I am just hoping our parents will find us soon... After their missions are completed, " Dawn groaned.

~Titans Tower~

The Titans have all arrived back home at the tower. They were all entering the tower talking with each other.

" So how was your mission with Kitten?" Beast boy smirked at Nightwing and Starfire.

" Are you trying to be annoying in purpose?" Nightwing mumbled.

" It's my job."

" Beast Boy, shut up, " Raven said rubbing her head in annoyance.

" Have we been gone this long? Do you think the kids are okay?" Jinx said biting her fingers.

Kid Flash put his arm around Jinx. " Don't worry. They're fine, " he reassured his wife.

" Why does friend Jinx always does the worrying?" Starfire questioned.

" She's that overprotective mother," Kid Flash replied.

As the common doors opened Aqualad yelled out, " We're back kids! And we have pizza!"

The common room lights were off and it was empty. Nightwing turned the lights on. " Maybe they are sleeping. It is pretty late." He went to the kids rooms to check up on him.

Bumblebee sniffed the air and smelled something unusual, " do you guys smell that?"

" it was probably me, " Beast boy smirked while waving behind his bottom.

Everyone groaned as Raven smacked the back of Beast Boy's head. A few moments later, the sound of rushing feet ran back at the common room. Nightwing was out of breath but still managed to speak, " THE KIDS ARE NOT THERE!" He yelled.

The wide eyed Titans started to panic and question as Jinx yelled out an ear piercing scream. Cyborg and Bee rushed to the computers to check all areas in the tower. Raven, Aqualad, and Beast boy tried calling their communicators, Nightiwing, Starfire, and Jinx split up checking every room. Kid Flash used his speed to check all over town and his home, but came back with no signs of them.

" we can't reach their communicators, " Raven said in a worrying voice.

" They are nowhere in the tower. Star, Jinx and I checked every area," Nightwing said.

" They're nowhere in Jump City, " Kid Flash said while panting.

" I just found out someone hacked into the security system. Who did it?" Cyborg asked angrily.

" Obviously not us. Why would we do something like that?" Bee replied.

" The children must have. But why would they do such thing?" Starfire asked.

"We do not know that for sure, "Nightwing said pacing back and forth.


" Jinx, she's like six," Kid Flash replied monotonously.

" Okay, but what about their parents? The parents could have done something. Well, you may want to speak to them, " Nightwing said.

" Good idea. I'll be back, " Kid Flash zoomed out of the tower. He took his phone and looked at his navigator history to look for Bella's address.

" Sparky, you may want to investigate what that awful smell is. It isn't fading away, " Bee pinched her noise.

" Hmm, thought it was me, " Beast boy said.

Cyborg took out his arm as it tried to figure out what the smell is. " The results say it is some kind of chemical gas. I don't know what specifically is in it or why it is in the tower."

Beast boy sighed and fell on the ground. A loud thump was heard as he fell first on his knees, then his upper body. Raven bent beside him and put Beast boy on her lap as she tried waking him up. " BEAST BOY!" Raven shouted.

" let me guess, sleeping gas, " Nightwing said staring at Beast Boy.

" Yup, ya'll might wanna cover your nose and mouth," Cyborg placed a hand over his face.

" I'll get some masks, " Aqualad quickly rushed out of the common room to get some masks for the team.

~Bella's House~

Kid Flash knocked furiously on the door, it broke and fell inside of the house. " oops. Hello?" Kid flashed yelled. " HELLO?" he screamed. Kid growled and stepped in the darkness of the room. He checked the living room, kitchen, bedrooms, but nobody was home. Kid Flash pulled his communicator and contacted Nightwing.

" Nobody is home. I checked everywhere. I may need some back up, " Kid Flash said.

" fine. Cyborg will be on his way, " Nightwing said.

" Um, on my way for what?" Cyborg turned from the titan computer.

" Kid Flash needs your technology to track down Bella's parents and possibly Bella herself. Right?" Nightwing asked. He saw him nod.

" Okay, I'm on it, " Cyborg stepped away from the computer and rushed out of the tower.

~ Bella's house ~

When Cyborg arrived at the house, he used his advanced technology to search all the rooms in the house. " hmm, did you check the lab?" Cyborg asked.

" The what?" Kid Flash sounded shocked.

~ Titans Tower~

As Aqualad took over the Titans computer doing some research, someone popped up from the big screen. It was Jay. It seemed his body was wrapped around with metal. Brother Blood and Bella stood behind him.

" Jay!" Aqualad screamed.

Jinx's ears perked up when she heard Aqualad say her child's name. " JAY!" Jinx said as she turned around. She ran up to the big screen and pushed Aqualad out of the way.

" WHERE ARE YOU, WHAT DID YOU DO TO MY SON!" Jinx said in tears.

The other Titans gathered around Jinx as they waited for Brother Blood to respond.

" Where are our kids, Brother Blood?" Nightwing asked sternly.

" Listen everyone. I have taken all your children's powers and gadgets so I can keep them as my own. Give me all your powers and help me take over the city. You will kill all of the beings in city until nobody is left except the Brotherhood of Evil. Do as I say, and I shall bring you back your children alive. Refuse the offer, and you all die, " Brother Blood explained.

Disclaimer: I do not own the Teen Titans.

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