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So today is the day I thought as I was getting ready. Today was the day my fate would be decided. Today my life could change forever. Is this real, or am I just dreaming? So many questions are being scrambled in my head as the guard holds me by the arm and bring me to the tall, dark brown doors. It's dark till shine hits my face. I look around and I first see my brother, Kaiden. He looked terribly bruised still since the accident. My mother, my god. Her eyes used to shine and glow. Now- it's just a dark, depressing green. You can tell that she was tired; tired of destruction. Next to her is my grandmother who is barely breathing at the sudden fact that her granddaughter is getting charged for murder. Oh yeah, I murdered someone. Or everyone, as Jade tells the police. Jade. Fuck, Jade. How can I ever be such a fool? She done this to me and now I have nothing. I get seated next to my attorney. He seems like a drunk and an asshole. God help me. I feel myself shivering as a blow of wind past me. Fuck my life. Why did I get myself into this shit?! If I never tutored Zoey, if I never went to that party, if I never met- "Miss Bailey! Please stand for the judge and show respect," says the guard. I sighed and stand then I see my judge. "You may be seated," the judge
says," We are reporting the murders of 12 people through the last 3 years made by Autumn Bailey." It's getting so hot in this courtroom, I feel myself ready to pass out. "Miss Bailey to the stand," says the prosecutor. I stand slowly and walks slowly to the chair next to the judge. I'm definitely gonna die in this courtroom. Jade. Fuck you, jade. Why did you hurt me like this? I wanted you. I loved you. And I'm still in love with- "Miss. Bailey! Please pay attention! To you swear under oath to tell the truth and nothing but-," says the prosecutor but interrupt him. "Yes, I swear," I say. He nods and walks to the audience,"Now let's skip all the BS, Miss. Bailey, tell me why and when you murdered throughout the 3 years." I take a deep breath feeling my body go numb. I look around and see Jade. Beautiful, evil, mine. That's all I can say about her. I clear my throat and looks down,"I'm not a murder... I never murdered anyone." I see my mother shake her head shamefully as her tears stream down her face. "May I remember you that you are under oath," says my prosecutor. I nod and as I pray that this can be be over and I can start over.

~That's it if you like this story give it a favorite! :) and follow me for more updates! - xoxo Jello.

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