Chapter 24

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Ava Pov:

"3 weeks later"

Roc decided to give everybody a little break before we go after Cam. We gave to master the plan, so the plan can work out right. I'm so glad that he gave us a break. I been feeling sick lately, and I don't know why. I think have I cold. I'm always throwing up, and sneezing. Roc called me and check on me a couple of times.

I woke up early this morning to me throwing up. I can't take this anymore. I have to go to the doctor. I called my doctor office and made appointment. I got up and took a shower and put on my Polo jogging suit.

I made my way downstairs , to see my parents eating breakfast.

"Good Morning," I said dryly.

"Good Morning," they both said.

"Why do you seem down Ava," my mom said.

"I'm not down, I just have not been feeling that well. I'm going to the doctor this morning," I said.

"All, ok. I hope you feel better," she said.

"I hope so too," I said.

I walked out the door, making my way to my car. I got in and pulled off.

"At the Doctor's Office"

I finally made it to the doctor office. I got out the car and walked to the door. Once I walked in the nurse checked me in, and said that they will be calling my name shortly. I hope that this cold is small. They can just give me some medicine, and I can go back to normal.

"AVA SIMMONS, the nurse yelled.

"I'm right here," I said.

"Ok, follow me," she said.

I got up and follow her into the room.

"The doctor will be with you in a second," she said.

"Ok," I said.

Just a few seconds later, my doctor walked in.

"Hey, nice seeing you again. What's seem to be the problem," she said.

"Hey. I have been throwing up and sneezing a lot. I think it a real bad cold," I said.

"Ok. We'll on the charts here. You don't have a fever, and everything turns out that you are fine. I think it's just your allergies," she said.

"But, why do I kept throwing up," I said.

"When was the last time you had enter-course," she said.

"A couple a weeks ago," I said. "Why."

"Was it protected," she said.

"I don't think so," I said.

"Well, I'm going to give you this test. take, and give it to the nurse when you are down," she said handing me the test.

"Moments later"

After I finished my business, I did what the doctor said.

I was do nervous waiting for the results. I don't want to have a baby. iI'm about to graduate. What am I going to do with a baby. How am I going to tell my parents. They are going to kill me.

I sat in the chair, just thinking the whole time.

All of the sudden the doctor came in.

"Well you are pregnant. You are actually a couple of weeks. I'm going to give you your vitamins and your paper. Then you can leave," she said.

"Ok," I said.

What am I going to do now. I have to tell Roc.

I left the hospital, making my way to the trap house. Once I got there, I seen everybody car outside. I guess I will tell him later.

I got out the car and went inside. When I got in inside, I seem the boys playing cards. I went over to Roc.

I was going to say hi. But I was cut off by someone talking.

Roc Pov:

"So y'all weak niggas want to kill my team," a voice said.

Everybody stop talking and turn around and seen Cam standing there. I guess he adding more people, since we took out most of them.

"If we was weak, you will still have your old team wouldn't you," I said.

"Y'all still weak. You act like I couldn't replace them. I got niggas everywhere.
My crew is bigger and better than yours. Hell it's even better than yo bitch," Cam said

"DON'T CALL HER NO BITCH," I said pulling out my gun.

All if a sudden his niggas started to pull at there guns. My crew did the same. We was both having a stand off.

Then all of shots were fire. We both exchange shots back and forth. That until they started to run, because they ran out of bullets.

"We'll be back. This it over," he said.

"It aint over til I say it's over," I said.

He then disappeared. I don't know where he went. Bur I know next time we see him, it will be game over.

Ava Pov:

Everything happen so fast. I didn't know what was going on. All I was hearing was guns. Once it stop I check around for cover. I guess Can left. I looked around to see if everyone is ok.

Once I turned around I say Mia lifeless body just laying there.

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