The Enemies

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Aiden POV

     "Yes, we can be friends." I said. She got off the couch and gave me a hug. I let her stay the night on my couch. The next morning was a Saturday, so we just hung out. "What do you want to do?" She asked. "I don't know. I just want to hang out." With that, she grabbed my hand and her purse, and we walked out. "We should go to Terra City." She suggested. "Sure, grab on." I said. She grabbed on to my shoulders and I started whispering a spell. "Floyu No." In that second, we started to float. "Ready?" I asked. She shook her head and we started to fly the way to Terra City. An hour later, we were in Terra City and I was glad, I was almost out of Magic energy. When we landed, she fell to the ground. "So, what do you want to do?" I asked. She pointed in front of us. "There is a parade downtown." I shook my head, but then I felt a little dizzy. "Can we sit for a minute?" I asked. She helped me to the nearest bench to sit a minute.


     When we got to the parade, I saw lots of people using their powers to make it cool. One guys used a lightning spell with a wind spell to make sparkles. While I was sitting with Isabelle, I felt something unpleasant from behind me. I looked back and saw someone on the roof with an enchanted bow. "EVERYONE GET DOWN!" I yelled. I took off my necklace and I started running to the building. I jumped up and punched him. He didn't budge. I might have to take off my watch to let out more of my power. I decided not to and I used one of my abilities. "Gravity Crush!" He couldn't move anymore and then he was forced into the house. I flashed where he was and choked him. The next thing I knew, there was another person behind me.

     I quickly turned around and pushed him away, but then I felt a wooden stake in my back. They bot me in my spine, so I couldn't move. The next thing I knew, The first guy said into his watch, "I have the target, we are on our way." The next thing I knew, they fell to the ground. Isabelle came running at me. "Aiden, get up!" She yelled. She started to cry until I started to glow. "You need to get the stake out of my spine. My healing is trying to kick in, but it is preventing it." I whispered. She took it out and everything was black.

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