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Aiden POV

     The next morning, I woke up in my bed. I tried to get up, but I felt a pain in my back. "Isabelle, are you here?" I asked. She came running in my room and gave me a hug. She helped me get up and she took me to the kitchen. I saw a pack of blood on the table. "How did you know where my blood packs?" I asked. "I saw a refrigerator under your bed." She said while smiling. She pored the bag into a cup. I drank it and I felt much better.

     "What happened yesterday?" I asked. She looked scared to tell me. "I saw you on the ground. When I walked close, they just fell and you know." I looked at her and I could tell she wasn't telling me something. "Tell me all of it, like why they fell." She looked scared to tell me. I grabbed her hands and told her, "You can tell me anything. I'm a fucking vampire, most people are scared of me." She took a deep breath. "My powers have to do with people or things souls and I also use death magic. When I got there and saw you on the ground, I messed up their souls. When you fainted, I got out a crystal, I call a Soul Gem, and I sucked their souls into them since they were weak." I looked at her in amazement. She has abilities that I haven't learned yet. She handed me two crystals and I examined them. "I'm able to use these anyway I want. From healing to shooting."


     After a couple of days, we went back to school. When I got to my first class, everyone was staring at me because they have never seen me hurt. When I got to my seat, the teacher came over to me, "They are calling for you in the office." Isabelle helped me up and we walked to the office. I saw someone familiar. "Aiden, this is Sugano Evans." I started to tear up. I went over to the boy and picked him up. "Who do you think you are. "Impersonating my best friend. He died two years ago." He got a knife out of his pocket and cut his arm. His blood smelt just like my friend. I let him go and fell to the ground. "Sugano."

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