The Forbidden Spell

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Aiden POV
I have never felt such an attack. "Hey Fag, do you still think you can win?" He asked. I stood up and looked at him. The bloodlust in his eyes and his silver hair sent fear through my body. "I'll let you suffer." He said. He flashed over to me and put his hand on my head. "You can see the rest of that day, after school. When I killed mom."

     "Mom!" I yelled as I walked out of my room. All of a sudden, there was an explosion downstairs. I ran downstairs and saw the kitchen had been blown up. "Leave me alone!" I heard my mother yell. I ran into the kitchen, but right before I went in to there, I saw a marking on the floor. It was a lightning trap. They were all over the place and if I step on one, I'll be stuck in cage of lightning. I jumped over the one in front of me and then I saw a whole in the wall. I soon heard the screaming from outside. I ran out and saw my brother with a fire enchanted sword and he was right above my mother. "What are you doing?" I asked in disbelief. He looked at me with his blood red eyes. I was frozen in fear. He got the sword and jabbed it straight into my mothers arm. She screamed and that unfroze me. "STOP!!!" I yelled. I started running toward him when all of a sudden, lightning surrounded me. I was surrounded by lightning. I left my wand inside so I couldn't just absorb the Lightning. I heard her scream again. "NO!!!" I yelled. I punched the Lighting Cage, but I just felt pain through my body. I fell, but got up and kept trying. "A-Aiden, just st-top. You'll kill yourself. I j-just want you to know that I-I love you." Said Mother. "Shut up old woman." He said. And then, he cut off her head.

     "Don't you see? You were to weak back then and you still are now." He said.
The he jabbed me with a silver sword.

Isabelle POV
     "NO!!!" Yelled Emily. She fell to the ground and she was crying. "What's wrong?" I asked. Brian walked over to her. "Emily has a very strong bond with Aiden. What happened Em?" She wiped off her tears and looked up at me. "Etako is winning." Right then, I felt weak and I felt the tears in my eyes. "That's it!" I ran to his room and grabbed one of his shirts. I walked back into the room and told them to get in a circle. "What are we doing?" Asked Nathan. "Just get ready." I said. "Everyone, hold hands!" I said. They did and then I mumbled. "Razu Tasha Ri." We all vanished.


     Before we knew it, we were ten feet away from Etako and Aiden. A silver sword was jabbed into his knee. Before I knew it, Emily, Nathan, and Brian took of their power guards, so I did as well. Our hair became white as snow and our eyes, red as blood. Nathan and Brian charged at Etako and started attacking him. Emily and I were about to go also, but then the two that had attacked Aiden back in Terra City were in front of us. "You two aren't going anywhere." One said. "Emily, I've got this one." She shook her head and tackled the other. I got out a Soul Gem and looked at him. "Look who had a part of your soul." I said. He ran at me and I dodged. I shot him with with energy from Soul Gem. The next thing I know, he was changing. His body was growing and he was growing hair. "RUN ISABELLE!" Yelled Emily. So I did. But then there was a dark figure in front of me. That man became a werewolf.

Aiden POV
     I got up and pulled the sword out of my knee. I took off my third power guard and felt my wounds heal and my power go up. I know what I must do. I put my felt together and stood up straight. I put my left arm to the side and put my index and middle finger up on my right hand. "RI!" Then I slashed my fingers down. "STOP AIDEN!" Yelled Nathan. "NA!" Then I slashe my fingers Northwest. "CO!" Then I slashed my fingers to the right. "STOP!" Yelled Brian. "DA!" Then I slashed my fingers Northeast. Then I put my hand by my chest and flashed over to Etako. I pushed Brian and Nathan out of the way and then put my hand on Etako's chest and yelled, "SHA!"


That is the longest chapter I have ever written. I guess I just had a lot of ideas for it. Well anyways, you know what to do.

Love You My Little Vamps.

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⏰ Última actualización: Oct 28, 2022 ⏰

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