The Siblings

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Isabelle POV
     Usually Aiden and Sugano are here by now. I got out my phone and texted Aiden.

Me: Hey Aiden. Are you guys still coming over?

Aiden: Ya. I'm on my way.

Me: What about Suggi?

Aiden: I'll tell you when I get to your house. Ttyl.

     I wonder what happened? Guess I'll find out when he gets here.


     "No way, you're gay?" He nodded his head. "And you told Suggi that you liked him." He shook his head again. "I'm guessing that he said no." He touched my head and I could see his flashback...

Aiden POV
"I am so madly in love with you." I said.

He just stared at me for a few minutes. "Listen Sir, I haven't ever thought about my sexuality and I have never thought about you that way."

"I understand.

"I think I need to go."

"Wait Suggi, Please."

"I am sorry, I just have to go? He took off his power guard and his wings appeared. The next thing I knew, he was gone.

Isabelle looked at me with tears in her eyes. "I am so sorry, Ai." All of a sudden, I heard a knock at the door and I can tell that it's a vampire. "Take off your powerguard." I whispered. She did and I took off one of mine. I went to the door and opened it. It was three of my siblings, Nathan, Brian, and Emily. "Aiden!" They all yelled and gave me hugs.


For the rest of the day we caught up and went to my house. Brian is my twin brother. He loves sports, video games, and blood. Nathan is my older brother. He is the tech geek. He made his own computer when he was three. He also has a twin brother names Etako, but we usually don't talk about him. Emily is the youngest. She always took me shopping and she's the only one that gets me. "Ai, Etako has gone loose."


     Hey guys, so now you have met the siblings. What do you think Etako did to be be hatted? You know what to do. Share, Comment, and Vote.

Love You My Little Vamps

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