Chapter 8: What Happened To You?

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Gohan heard Piccolo and his father call his name but he didn't care he did not look. Both of them landed about ten feet away from him, the rain had finally let up it was only sprinkling now. Finally Gohan couldn't hold his transformation anymore his dark brown hair returned along with his eyes. Blood loss was starting to get to him he leaned his hand against a trunk of a tree when he also felt dizzy. "Gohan?" Goku said stepping alittle closer to his son Piccolo had teleported behind the young boy he was trapped and he knew it and he hated it. Gohan was breathing as if to catch his breath "Ge...Get...a-away fro-m me" "Son it's okay it's me" the older saiyan said gentely not to frighten the boy. Gohan supported more of his weight on the tree "Don't lie! dad is died!!....and he's never coming no matter how much I want him to! Gohan yelled " Gohan, I came back for you to help you I missed you" Goku and Piccolo were moving closer "You can stop lying now...(a pause)..." At this point Gohan's vision was starting to go blurry "Kid your hurt ...please let us help you!" That one sentence had Gohan freeze his mentor never used please before and Gohan had never heard his teacher sound so worried before. The young saiyan no longer had the strength to stand he slide down the tree. He turned toward the namekian "....Piccolo...Im-I..I'm sorry... I let you down...again" Piccolo was shocked is that really how his student felt? Like he was just a let down? Like he was worthless? "Kid you have never let me down.. not know not ever" Piccolo said taking another step toward the little boy. Gohan snapped his head up "YOU BOTH DIED BECAUSE OF ME!" Both Goku and Piccolo stopped all movement, stared wide eyed because the young never raised his voice to them before and they both didn't know he blamed himself for them dying. His lungs were staring to burning and his vision was getting worse and his eyes felt so heavy but most all he felt very weak. Both adults were basically right next to him now and Gohan really couldn't do anything about it. "It's going to be okay Gohan, we'll get you to the look out for a senzu bean and then talk about this okay?" Goku then reached out to pick up his son his baby boy but the child flinched back. Gohan didn't want to anywhere near this man he called a "dad" Goku was hurt, very hurt his son was dying and his child wouldn't even let him touch him! Goku eyed Piccolo for a second then Piccolo scooped the kid up but the young saiyan wouldn't go without a fight using what strength he had left he kicked, wiggled, scratched anything he could think of even yelling "LET ME GO! PICCOLO! PUT ME DOWN!! LET ME GO! PICCOLO!" Piccolo held his student in a firm grip but not too hard he didn't what to harm him and starting flying. Piccolo only told the boy this in a gentel voice "Gohan, it's okay I've got you I'm taking you to the'll....die if we don't" he whispered the last part not wanting to think about it. Gohan finally stopped thrashing panting really hard and starting to black out from blood loss but before he did he managed to whisper "......Maybe I actually want to die...." Goku heard it clear as day he couldn't believe what happened to his sweet little innocent boy? He hung his head as he followed Piccolo they weren't that far from the Look out just two miles and they were going as fast as possible "Oh Gohan, what happened to you?" The father asked out loud but more to himself but the namekian answered anyway "He lost his father" that was all he said but it make him open his eyes it was all his fault! They made it and gave the boy senzu beans but even the magical bean could heal the cuts that were barried deep within his wrists. They kept bleeding not as much as before just a little Piccolo put a wet cloth on his left wrist wrapped it around then crapped white bandage and also wrapped it around to help stop the bleeding and swelling. Gohan was still out cold Goku had placed him in one of the spare rooms Kami's tower had now all they had to do is wait father and teacher had questions for the young saiyan and they wanted answers!

Hey guys! How is the story so far? I know last chapter and this one were kinda dark but I hope you all don't mind all this as so happen so the story can progress!


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