Chapter 24: The Fall Of Lucifer

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Warning: This might make you cry.

Lucifer made his way to his home to see what his brother needed him for. The walls were a pure white with all the sun light that came through the many windows. Finally he saw his older brother Michael standing in what they called the 'Grand Room' because of all the designs on the ceiling. He stopped five feet from Michael "You requested me, brother?"  Michael was taller than his siblings and his wings were by far the largest. He was truly a warrior and maybe that was his down fall. He was a fighting machine. Every order given to him by their father, he followed and never asked questions. He was a good little soldier and that was what Lucifer hated.  Michael looked at him with hard eyes "Bow down before me, Lucifer." The younger angel was shocked "Pardon?" Confusion was clearly in his voice but Michael didn't care. If he did he hide it very well. "I said bow down before me! Or must I repeat myself again?" The tone of voice his older brother was using was one Lucy never heard before.....and that scared him.  When Lucifer didn't do as asked Michael used his grace to force his brother to do what he had asked. "You know speaking out is a sin. You disrespected not only father but our brothers as well. Even worse Lucifer......YOU rebelled." Michael voice had been steady through the whole thing until the very end. At the end his voice cracked to show the real emotion hiding under the surface. "Lucifer you shall be punished for your crimes. You shall be stripped of your grace and wings. And be casted out of heaven and down to Hell." There was silence in the room after that. Lucifer tried to convince himself he had heard wrong but deep down inside he knew, he hadn't. He looked his big brother in the eyes. He loved his brothers especially Michael. Would he really be casted to Hell? His brother had to be lying but lying was a sin.....and Michael would NEVER sin. Lucifer shook his head "Brother?" That's all he could say or get out. His voice shook when he called out to him.  Michael didn't look at his little brother for a few seconds.  This couldn't be happening. Father loved him! He loved him and his siblings! "I want to speak with father" Michael's shoulders tensed up even more and he made eye contact with Lucifer "He has more important things to do, Lucifer. That's why he asked me to do this." Lucifer's eyes widen with disbelief and he felt tears come to his eyes. 

Over the next hour Lucifer guessed. His older brother took away his Grace which was more painful then anyone will ever know. Once that was done his brother broke every single bone in both his wings. Wings are very sensitive so having someone break them is pure agony. He screamed over and over until his voice was almost gone. Tears ran down his face and down his neck. He only started crying when his brother started to actually tear his wings from his shoulder blades. His back was caked in blood and his eyes hurt from crying so much. Without much warning the doors slammed open and the two angels could see the weather outside had turned horribly. The sky was black, thunder echoed loudly and lighting could be seen striking across the sky. A small shadow appeared in the door way, that belonged to none other than Rosie. She stepped into the room with angry tears running wildly down her face.  Her eyes were narrowed and as cold as ice but most importantly they were dark and unforgiving.  She walked further into the room very slowly but with her head held high. Her older brothers just stared at her with wide eyes watching her every move.  She finally stops in front of where Lucifer was being held down by chains. She gripped the chain that held her brother's right wrist with disgust. She then yanked it right out of the floor where it had been bolted down. She looked up at Michael "I'll never forgive you" She looked at Lucifer "You punished him for loving our father over his creations. When we do the same! The only difference his he said it out loud." Her voice was commanding and sharp.  Lucifer looked at her "Get out of here, Rose" he moved which was a big mistake as he cried out in pain.

By the door now stood Gohan and some other angles. Micheal looked at Gabriel and sighed he didn't want Gabe to see this but there was no other choice "Gabriel, take her out of here." Lucifer shot his head up. No. He refused to let Gabe see all of this. He wouldn't let the little angel he raised  witness this. "No" he stated firmly and Gohan immediately blocked the door so Gabe couldn't see or enter.  Lucy used the arm his little sister had freed to pull her in an embrace. She buried her face in his chest right over his heart and sobbed. Lucy held her tight to his chest as he let tears fall from his eyes once more. "You have to let me go" he whispered in her ear in a low clam voice. Once she heard it she choke out a sob that racked her whole body. Her small hands gripped tighter into what was left of Lucifer's clothes "No. No please. Lucy. Please. I can't." Her words came out shaky and pleading.  He cupped her cheek and brushed some of the tears away with his thumb "You must, you know that" she shook her head no rapidly "No. You promised me! Lucy, you promised to never leave me. You never break your promises." It was true. Lucifer never broke his word. If he made you a promise in was for forever and he'd never forget it. He closed his eyes and bit his lip from breaking down even more. He kissed his little sister's forehead "I know, baby. I'm not leaving you. Not now not ever." When the young angel finally looked up to meet her brother's beautiful eyes "I love you Lucy." Her voice was quiet "I love you too, Rose."  He tightened his hold he had on her and sighed "Tell Gabriel that I'm sorry" Lucifer choked on that sentence. Gabe and Rose were the most important things to him. Yes, he loved all siblings but he basically raised his brother Gabe as his own. Rose was the youngest angel in all of Heaven and the only girl. Father had said she was very special and to treat her with serious care. After all she was the last angel to ever be created again. Lucifer looked over at Micheal "I'm ready, brother. You may continue." Rosie tighten her grip on her big brother and her breathing quickened. She wasn't ready. She wasn't ready to lose her big brother. She couldn't let him go. There were hushed voices coming from the door way and they could see Gohan holding Gabriel back from running in. He must be a complete wreak Rosie thought to herself. She was broke from her thoughts when she felt a arm wrap around her waist and she immediately tensed up. In one swift motion she was ripped away from Lucifer only to be with Michael instead. She panicked and began to thrash violently in his grasp. She kicked outwards like a wild horse and growled like a untamed wolf. She kept her eyes locked on the her brother never blinking for fear he'd disappear if she did. "Release me, Michael!" She screamed over and over again. Her wings were flapping like crazy every which way and she didn't care. "Lucy! Lucy! Please! Help me!" Lucifer only shook his head in a no motion before looking away. Micheal held his hand up ready to banish his little brother when Gabe joined in on Rosie's yells "Michael! Please! Don't!" But he didn't listen. With a snap of his fingers a bright white light fanned out across the room in every direction and Lucifer was gone. "NO! LUCIFER! LUCY!" Rose screamed at the top of her lungs but it was too late. Michael let her go and she stumbled to where her brother last was "Please come back." The sound of foot steps was heard as Gohan finally released Gabriel and the angel made his way to the same spot as his baby sister.  Gabe collapsed to his knees "No. No. No." He murmured over and over again. Rose crawled her way to her brother and hugged him tight, crying harshly into his chest. While he cried with his face buried in her beautiful hair. Gohan had walked to sit beside them at some point and even he let a few tears slip down his cheeks but all three turned when voices were heard by the door. They looked up to see Goku and Vegeta walking through the door slowly. Let's just say things just got a whole lot more complicated.


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