Lestrade: You're Drunk

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Colors swirled around you, and you looked to your left, well you thought it was your left, and noticed Gregory sitting beside you. Has he been there the whole time? You rested your hand on his shoulder. He scowled and rubbed his arm in pain. May have hit it harder than I thought. I must be strong, like superman. I'm superman.

"Superman," you blurted out. Greg started laughing, but you weren't sure why.

"Maybe it's time you go home," he suggested lightly.

"Maybe it's time you don't go home!" Giggles erupted from your mouth, they echoed through your head and your brain started to hurt. "Ow," you said, rubbing your head. Your hand grasped onto a hard thingamajig stuck in your head. You pulled and a pinprick of pain that felt like a stab to your head. Looking at the thingamajig in your hand, you realized it was 3 of your hairs, all stuck together by a crusty substance.

"Oh yeah, you stuck a couple of your hairs into somebodies chip dip, you claimed it was an experiment you were conducting," responded Greg nonchalantly, like this was a normal doing.

"Well my experiment is finished and the results came back positive."

"Okay Einstein, time to head home."

"Greeeeegggg, I still have to finish my drink!" You shook your glass in proof, but nothing sounded. Looking in the glass you saw emptiness. How can you see emptiness? Is emptiness seeable?

"Sweety, that just proved to me that you need to go home now. You're pissed."

"I'm as sober as a tree." He nodded his head in mock agreement. If he was in my brain thinking what I'm thinking it would make senseish. He tugged you off the stool you sat upon and led you through the bar. Some people were off to the side dancing. Trying to slip out of his grip, you attempted to shimmy your whole body and join the dance party, but instead you knocked someone's drink out of their hand. However, you continued to shimmy.

"Sorry man," apologized Greg, slipping the man some money out of the back of his pocket. Greg pulled you away from the group and led you towards the exit.

"Gregory Lestrade, I was shimmying!"

"No honey, you were twitching. There's a difference." I tried to narrow my eyes, but they closed all the way. It felt good to close your eyes. All you wanted was to close your eyes, so you did.

"Greg I'm blind, help me." He chuckled lightly, then let go of your hand. "GREG!" Another chuckle, from below you. Or was it above? You didn't know, all you knew was that you were blind and would crash into someone or a door unless your trusty boyfriend helped you. "Greg, I seriously need help."

"Open your eyes." Your eyelids were heavy, so you used your fingers to pry them open. Looking around, the city lights had a soft glow. When did we come outside?

"So this is what being able to see looks like!" He shook his head in disbelief at your drunken antics, then latched onto your hand.

"Only a couple blocks to the flat, think you can make it."

"I will! For my name isn't (y/f/n) shimmying (y/l/n)," you proclaimed to the streets of London, holding your fist high in the air. You led the way, energy coursing through your body. At a stoplight, you hit the button.

"Please wait," it stated politely.

"'Please wait' my arse! You hear this Greg? This machine here is trynna tell me what to do!" You hit the button again.

"Please wait," it said again.

"Please stop telling me what to do!" You smacked the button in anger.

"Please wait."


"Please wait." Before you pummeled that high pitched voice pole to the ground, a pair of arms swooped you up. Looking up, Greg's brown eyes wrinkled in laughter.

"Hey! I was about to give that son of a gun a piece of my mind!"

"See this is how I know you're pissed drunk - you start having a row with a machine." You crossed your arms and started to pout. I'm not drunk, just semi intoxicated. You huffed loudly, just to accentuate your annoyance at him, even though you couldn't remember why you were annoyed. He didn't notice, just continued carrying you in his arms, looking ahead and occasionally glancing at you. Giving up being mad at him, you looked up at the sky. The stars were barely visible, you strained your eyes to look. Cars whisked by, their motors a soothing lullaby in your ears. The wind blew lightly, and you hugged your jacket closer to you. By habit, you rested your head on Greg's shoulder. You matched your breathing with his, falling into a peaceful sleep, his breath a warm blanket falling on your head.

It was safe to say you woke up in the morning with a killer hangover.

Surprise surprise, I posted a day early! I couldn't help it. You folks were begging me sooooooo much. Jk, I just couldn't handle not writing for more than 24 hours. I'm currently running on 4 hours of sleep, and I'm going to get another 4 hours tonight soooo I hope this was up to par enough.

Again, I keep getting more reads and it makes my day. So much. Thank you all.

Requests are still open, don't be shy!


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