Part 5. better that hunk of wood then my sexy ass.

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" do you see that? " everyone looked to where Jaha was pointing.

It was a pearl coloured shimmer on the horizon, it shined bright above a looming Sand dune in front of us.

" there's hope! " Jaha shouted.

Even John perked up at seeing this positive sign.

" aren't you all forgetting that we are still sat on a mine field? " I'd wish I had never said that, for the mood changed so fast you could hear flies dropping from the sweltering heat.

" look all we have to do is go slow, and look I have a stick so we can test the ground in front of us first. " Jaha said.

" but that poor stick will be blown to smithereens! " I tried to make it sound like I actually cared what happened to the stick to lighten the mood.

The only person that chuckled was Murphy. " better that hunk of wood then my sexy ass. " this brought a bright smile to my face.

I sniggered raising my eyebrows at him. " yeah, Jaha the sticks a good idea. "

" am glad to see that you think my ass is worth saving. " he gave me a smug grin but I wasn't giving into him that easy.

I stood up pulling him with me. " easy tiger the stick is a faster way, if it was down to you we would be here all day. " I winked at him.

The pace was agonising but then again we had to be careful, didn't want to be getting blown up did we.

We were all in a single file line and I could feel Murphys breath on the back of my neck. " and what were you saying about risking my ass would be slow? "

I turned to him. " by all means Murphy, take over from the stick. " we just stared at each other till Jaha shouted at us to keep moving.

I turned unsatisfied and kept walking.

" I know I would never risk my life, you'd miss me too much. " I heard him say close to my ear.

I just scoffed and carried on.

It felt like ages, but finally we had reached the entrance of the mine field where a sign stood slanted saying. ' beware mines '

" well that would of been nice to know at the other side. " I sighed as everyone fell into silence.

Now that the sand dune that was between us and the city of lights was only just a stones throw away the excitement built, until everyone finally burst and started to hurtle up the steep incline.

Of course Murphy got there first, then Jaha and I wasn't far behind.

As we reached the top there were a range of noises the guys made from shocked to disappointed. " is this it?! This. " Murphy pointed disgustedly to the crop field of sola panels. " this is the city of light? "

" where's that hope now Jaha? " Murphy spat sarcastically, giving Jaha a disappointed look before grabbing my hand as we made are way down. 

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 17, 2015 ⏰

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