Airplane mode

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'' hey? '' I let out.

They turned to each other in confusion.

The dark skinned man with the weird looking staff cleared his throat. '' are you okay? you erm had a nasty bump on your head. ''

I reached up only to cry out in pain.
The boy with the messy hair ran towards me, skidding on the ground to kneel infont of me.

He grabbed my hand and moved it away from my head.
'' yeah I wouldn't do that if I was you, it might hurt '' he smirked at me.

I just stared at him, mouth slightly a gape. '' really? ''

I did my best to do the most sarcastic tone and I think I won judging by the look on his face.

He smiled and got up. " I like you already "

I smirked as he walked back to were he was standing earlier.

" so who are you? " he tried to look superior by pointing his staff towards me.

" the real question is who are you, I walk these sands everyday, and I have never seen your kind before " the sun was so blinding that shielding my eyes was near impossible.

" well am Theloniouds Jaha and this is John Murphy and we all lived in a space station for 99 years, so excuse us if we want to explore earth a little "
As he went on his voice raised a little.

I slowly got up still feeling a little dizzy but one of the other boys that was with this Jaha held out a hand to steady me.

I turned to him and thanked him. " why are you even here? Is this where your spaceship dumped you? "

They all just laughed at me and all I could do was be shocked at the reaction. " what? "

" we aren't aliens, anyway we came from the forest that's where the criminals have been living that we sent down as a test, to see if earth was survivable. "

" and, judging by the scars some of you have I guess you find out the hard way that you were not alone "

" grounders " John murmured to no one in particular.

He looked up at me and I knew that stare.

He had been tortured.

My gaze softened on his face, an unspoken apology of sorts.

He just looked away.

I felt pained for him, I had just met this stranger and felt a pang of something deep in my stomach that I just could shake.

There was a sudden burst of pain in my head and I would of fallen but a pair of rough hands kept me up.

"We really need to get going, John are you okay to carry her for a bit while she gets her strength back? " Jaha commented walking to the horizon.

" sure " John muttered picking me up bridal style.

" no no don't am fine, am too heavy " I squirmed in his arms.

" well tough, your light as a feather and your hurt now hold still and I promise not to drop you " I looked at John and felt that strange feeling again.

But it seemed to settle me.

I trusted him.

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