Under a scarf and coat. Part 3.

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Murphy had been carrying me for what seemed like hours.

Murphy's arm started to become numb after an hour of carrying me bridal style, so we opted for a piggyback ride.

Which was more comfortable for the both of us. We finally had to stop and rest just as a sandstorm was about to take its rage out on us.

Unfortunately my pack with all my sandstorm protection equipment ( a very thick blanket ) had been lost in transit and so I had to settle for the makeshift efforts of Murphy's scarf and jacket, did i mention that i was pulled into his chest as well?

'' you okay? '' he mumbled from above me.

He had his legs cross, sitting up straight I was sat in his lap my head on his chest with his scarf and jacket covering both our heads.

'' yeah, thanks for carrying me so far but I think when we move again I will walk myself you must be tired by now. ''

My hair tickled the bottom of his chin and he let out a soft chuckle. '' no if you're still unable to walk I really don't mind carrying you. ''

I looked up at him in the small space I had and he was already looking down at me, I swear I saw him blush as he looked away from me.

I smirked and tried to keep in the laugh but a faint giggle escaped my lips.

'' are you laughing at me? '' He said it an amused tone his hand holding the small of my back.

'' What? No. '' Though he didn't see through my lie. '' you know I am really surprised that you and your group have so much trust in me let alone willing to help me. ''

I put my head back under his chin and rested my face against his neck. '' Why, we are good people you know, we do like to help others that deserve it. '' He seem pretty peeved that I had made such a comment.

'' look all I mean is that I saw you with that girl, I was spying from the sand dune and before I was knocked out I saw what she did. All I'm saying is how do you know am not with her, how do you know I can be trusted? ''

There was a moment of silence and then a finger came under my chin, I was turned to look into his striking eyes. '' and can I? Can we trust you? '' he questioned.

Why was I feeling so much emotion coming from his eyes, Why did I feel like I could trust this boy that I just met with everything, with my life. '' Yes. Yes you can trust me. ''

We were both breathing pretty heavily from the tension building up from the intense stare, under the scarf and coat.

Just as we both started leaning in Jaha ripped the materials off. '' Murphy! Come on its over time to move. ''

As Jaha walked away I got up off Murphy's lap and dusted the sand that had collected on my lap. He did the same.

I faced away from him walking a few paces, I was good as new and ready to walk again.

'' You know I never asked your name. '' I turned to see Murphy squinting at me.

'' Storm, My name is Storm. ''

I gave him a smirk before Jaha was shouting at us to get a move on.

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