Chaper 1. Spying.

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The dead zone was hot.

Almost too hot, but I had plenty of water to keep me going and a sea blue scarf to keep me protected.

I like the walk, the freedom, the air.
It helped drive the madness away and gave me room to think.

It was always so peaceful out here, well that is until today.

I was doing the normal rounds, I knew the route like i knew the rooms back at the city. But something was wrong today, I could feel it in the wind.

Then the shouting came and I made hast to the top of the sand dune, when I reach the top I quickly crouched down so I wouldn't be seen.

When I thought it was safe I peered over the top.

A small group were all on there knees and in front of them was a girl (of what I could tell) with her back to me and in front of her, kneeling down was a boy.

He had shortish hair that looked like it had been cut messy but even from a distance I couldn't help noticing how Good looking he was.

The mystery girl had a knife to his neck.

She was saying something but all I could hear was her slight echo in the wind.

Something caught me off guard from behind me, the sand shifted.

I stood up dazed, only to come face to face with a tall white horse.

" tut tut you know very well where spying gets you girl "

And with that said he swatted me over the head with the butt of the gun and the blackness took over.

When I awoke it was pitch black, I just laid there looking at the magnificent Stars.

Well that's until I heard someone talking about me.

I rolled to my stomach and got up on my elbow, two guys where staring at me.

I felt my eyes widen as I laid my eyes on the handsome face and the scruffy hair that I had seen earlier.
And next to him stood a tallish, dark skinned man leaning on a stick.

" hey? " I let out.

They just turned to each other in confusion.

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