Tré Scares Me

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After Art, Mike walked me to go meet Tré. When we met up with him, Tré threw his arms around Mike and hugged him tight.

"I missed you Mikey!" He said.

"Tré, I saw you this morning. Remember? The pop rocks?" Mike asked, and realisation spread over Tré's face.

"Ohhh. How did that go by the way?" He asked, and Mike laughed.

"Not well at all." He said, and Tré suddenly looked at me.

"Who is this?" He asked.

"This is Alicia. She's new here. I spent the morning with her, and she has your lesson now, so I want you to take care of her and then introduce her to Billie." Mike said, and I looked down as Tré seemed to be checking me out.

"Huh. Okay." He said.

"So, you guys have the same lesson." Mike told Tré.

"Yep. What is that lesson, exactly?" Tré asked. Mike sighed.

"Math." He said.

"Okay." Tré nodded. Mike waved to us and walked off down to his lesson, which I presume he had with Billie. I walked down the hallway with Tré, trying to keep up with his long strides. We reached an empty hallway.

"Now that we're alone..." Tré said, and he shoved me up against the wall. I was terrified. I'd never kissed a boy before. "Kidding." He said, when he saw my expression.

"Oh." I sighed, relieved.

"You'll get used to my sense of humour pretty soon." Tré said, and I nodded. We walked into the classroom and sat down, and Tré kept talking to me and making me laugh. So that's good, because two out of three of the people I've met are great.

*Billie POV*

I walked into class, late as usual. Mike looked relieved as I walked in, but I had no clue why.

"I thought you skipped," Mike said as I sat down.

"No. I'm here aren't I, you dipshit." I said, and he nodded but seemed to be thinking about something. Or more specifically, someone.

Ah ha...

"What's on your mind, Mikey?" I asked.

"Nothing. There's just someone I want you to meet. New student." He said.

"Ugh. Mike you know I hate people." I groaned.

"You'll like this person. She likes music, and she's smart, and pretty, and she-" I cut him off.

"She's a she?" I asked, and he nodded. "Well, then." I said.

"Billie Joe Armstrong, write this down please." The teacher said. I took my pen and scribbled something that remotely looked like letters, and then turned to Mike.

"So." I said, and he looked up.

"What?" He asked.

"How long is it going to be before you get a crush on her?" I asked. He thought for a while, and the bell went.

"Too late." He said, and he walked to lessons, and I sighed and went to meet Tré, and supposedly this girl.

*Tré POV*

I walked Alicia down to meet Billie, because I knew they had science together. Mike told me. He keeps me right, without him I'd have no idea which lesson I had and where, ever.

I walked over to Billie and noticed Alicia was hiding behind me a bit.

"Hey Beej." I said, and he nodded, grinning.

"Hey Tré." He said, before leaning against the wall. "And who is this?" He asked, the question directed at Alicia.

"This is Alicia, she's new." I said, and Billie nodded.

"Ah. I didn't know your name, but I know more about you then you think." Billie said.

"How?" Alicia asked.

"Mike couldn't shut up about you," Billie said, and Alicia giggled but blushed.

"Oooh. Do Alicia and Dirnty have something going on?" Tré asked.

"No. We're friends, that's it." Alicia said.

"Suuuure." Billie replied, before beginning to walk up to Science.

*Alicia POV*

"So what did he say about me?" I asked, and he shrugged.

"Not a lot. He said you were smart, pretty, kind, stuff like that." Billie replied, and I noticed nothing around us looked like Science.

"Oh." I said.

"Can I ask you something?" He asked.

"Sure." I replied, curious.

"If you're going to date Dirnt..." Billie started.

"Mike and I are FRIENDS. That's it." I said.

"If you're going to date Dirnt, keep in mind that he's been my best friend since we were eleven. If he asks you out, make sure you don't like someone else." Billie said.

"Like who?" I asked. He shrugged.

"Tré and you get on." He said.

"Well..." I replied, thinking.

"I guess what I'm trying to say is... Don't fuck with his heart, or his head. Mike's a sensitive guy, and something like that could really mess him up." He said.

"I would never do that. But it wouldn't happen any way because we're JUST FRIENDS." I said, and he shrugged.

"Why aren't we in Science?" I asked. He scoffed.

"Are you kidding? Science? No thanks." Billie said. I felt the panic rise in my stomach. I'd never skipped a lesson before. But I wanted to say friends with these guys more than learn everything I'd already learnt all over again, so I sat down next to Billie.

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