Chapter 27

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I hope you enjoy this chapter.

Answer: The captain is Shunsui Kyoraku. He is a lazy but powerful captain.

We went into the light and exited the Senkaimon. Some of the soul reapers came to greeted us. ' Welcome back.....' said a girl walking towards them. ' Heh.....Lisa, how have you been???' asked Shunsui trying to hug her. She jumped and kicked him in the face. ' That's my Lisa.' he said having Lisa's foot on her face. ' Hello, Lisa.' I said waving to her. She waved back at me with a smile. She took her foot of his face.

' Well......let's return to the squad 8 barracks.' said Lisa. They left with Lisa. We all decided to part way. Toshiro and Rangiku went back to their barracks, Jushiro and Rukia went back to theirs, Byakuya went back on his own. Renji stayed with us for a little while. When we reached a junction, this is where we have to part. ' Bye Aisha' said Mizuko taking the left path with her lieutenant and flashstepped away. ' Aren't you going back to your barracks, Renji. I bet that Rikichi will be happy to see you in such a long time.' I said smiling.

' Well I want to go with you to your barracks.' he said. ' That's fine by me captain.' said Izuru. ' Fine........but I have a lot of paperwork to do.' I said shrugging. ' Don't worry we'll all help.' said Fujimaru. He is the third seat in my squad. We talked a lot on the way to my barracks. On the way, I sent something was wrong it felt like there was poison in the air. I ignored it because it will not affect neither me nor my friends.

Meanwhile with the intruders, they hid in an unused storage house in the Seireitei. Kerai sensed my presence and stood up. ' What's wrong, leader????' asked one of the demons. ' How can she be here right now!!!!!!!!!!' she said in anger. ' What's wrong???' asked another demon. ' Aisha's back. The mission is now more difficult.....' she said in deep thought.

--------Kerai's Thinking----------

' How could she be here of a the time????'

' Is there someone in our team helping them in the dark?????'

' Could it be............'

' No............there's no way.............'

' But he was acting a little weird lately........'

' He does not intend to listen to the master's command.'

' Is he really the culprit......'

-------Thinking Ends------------

In a little while, we arrived at my barracks. All the squad members welcome our return. Izuru went to get some file to file the paperwork. Fujimaru went to the training room to train the other members. Renji followed me into my office. There was a lot of paperwork on the table. When I saw that I blew a cold sweat. ' Whoa........this will take up the whole afternoon, but fine by me. Are you fine with that?' I asked Renji while I sat in my chair. He nodded and started to help me file the work. Izuru came and help a little too.

It took awhile but we finally took care of all the paperwork. I stood up and stretched. ' We finished it in no time, thanks you guys.' I said smiling. ' It's no problem.' said Renji. ' Your my captain of course I'll do anything to help.' said Izuru. Suddenly a hell butterfly entered to room. It landed on Izuru's hand. He begun to read the message. ' Attention all captains! We'll be having an emergency capatins and lieutenants meeting right now. Remember the lieutenants must wear their badges. That's what the message said.' said Izuru.

' What a pain.......' I said. Izuru handed me a file. ' What's this?' I asked. ' This is the report on the events in the world of the living.' he said arranging the file on the self. ' Ohh......thanks. Don't you guy need to prepare for the lieutenant meeting.' I asked. ' Ohh......yeah I almost forgot.' said Renji. ' Izuru can you come with me to get my badge?' asked Renji. ' Sure.' he said. Renji can to me and gave me a kiss. ' Be careful.' he said. ' Alright.....Ohhhh......and Izuru, they said that you need to wear the lieutenant badge.' I said walking behind my desk. I opened the top drawer and took out his badge. I threw it to him. ' Thanks captain.' he said catching his badge. They both walked out of the room.

I walked out of my office to go to the captains meeting. I could still fill miasma around the soul society. I could fill it getting even stronger every minute. When I was walking to the head captain's barracks, I could sense the miasma coming from the old storage house. I wanted to take a llook at it until I bumped into Toshiro. ' Where you going????The head captain's barracks are that way.' he said looking at me with a serious look. ' There was........never mind.' I said looking worried. Toshiro walked with me to the barracks.

Meanwhile the demons were coming up with a plan to infiltrate the building to steal the oin. ' We should go in stealth mode.' one of the demons suggested. ' How about we knock out all the guards and go in.' a another demon suggested. Kerai thought for a long time. She finally came up with a plan. ' I got it......we'll have to get Aisha away from the building. Set a bait and trap her. We'll be able to steal the oin for sure.' said Kerai with a evil smile. All of them agreed with her. They all decided to bait her out with a strong spiritual pressure and thick miasma. They put their plans into action.

Meanwhile, all the captains have gathered in squad 1's barracks. They were all waiting for the head captain. ' So how was your trip???' asked Soi Fon. She is the captain of the second division, the leader of the stealth squad and punishment force. ' Sure it was fine.' I said. ' I heard you went to Heuco Mundo, what did you do there??' she asked. ' Wait until the head captain gets here, then I'll tell you.' i said with a smirk. Not long after, the head captain came int. We all lined up and the meeting started. ' So what's your report Captain Morawa.' said the head captain.

I stepped forward and started to read the report that Izuru filed. After they heard the report a lot of question started to circle around me. ' So who's Akura-Oh???' asked Soi Fon. I explained who he is. ' So he's that dangerous.' said Sajin. Suddenly a strong spiritual pressure appeared. Almost all the captains were on their knees. Me and Mizuko were the only ones who can stand. ' Mizuko stay here keep them safe.' I said running out of the room. She nodded sand slowly got everyone up. ' What's this massive pressure???' asked Jushiro. ' I believe that this is a demon.' said Mizuko. They all wait for her return.

Meanwhile, the lieutenants also felt this pressure. Renji was the only one standing up. ' What happened??' he said confusedly. ' Why.......aren't you.........affected by this.......' said Momo. ' I think because I'm a demon.' he said. he got everyone up and they pant every hard. Renji thinks that I had gone to find the source of this power. He ran out and chased after me. But demons got in his way so he could not follow me. When I can to the place where it can from, there was on one there. I looked around and saw a device emitting strong pressure. Once I saw this I knew something was off. It was a trap!!!!!!!!!!Binding ropes tied me up and I tried to get lose.

' Looks Like my plan worked.....' a familiar voice said while laughing. It sounded like a women. I was shocked to see who she was.

Triva Question: Who's the captain of the second division?

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