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"Jason?" Sienna walked down the halls, she will no longer see for the next two years.

"In here, Sienna," Jason's voice was stiff, it sounded like he was distracted.

Peeking into the game room she spots him and the Alpha's son playing a video game. When Rowan sensed her presence his head whipped to catch sight of her.

'Mate! Mate!' Her wolf, Adrianne squealed joyfully.

Taking a glance at their mate, her lungs stopped working. He looked godly with the early morning sunlight from the window beamed on his golden skin.

She loved his deep brown eyes and his dark hair was breathtaking. His eyes were deep-set and his jawline was sharp. She's never seen someone with such prominent features before.

Alpha Rowan just kept staring at her as she stared back. His eyes searching for something within hers. "Yes!" Jason brought them out of their trance when he jumped out of his seat a little.

"Do you have any Advil? That headache is fucking me over," the alphas voice husky was deep and she found it intoxicating.

"Sienna, can you show him where it is? I'm almost finished with this mission," Jason furrows his eyebrows at the screen. She nodded and waited for Rowan to stand, so he can follow her out of the room.

The pair walked in silence to the washroom. He stood outside of the doorway watching her look for the pills carefully. Sienna tried her best to ignore his burning gaze on her back as she grabbed the bottle and handed it to him.

Before they were even two steps away from the washroom, Rowan gripped her forearm and whirled her around. She was now trapped in between the wall and him.

"Listen, I'm sorry but I can't afford a weak mate running along and ruining everything." He pinched the bridge of his nose with irritation and sighed.

Sienna's eyes widened, ever since she was young she hadn't even had a doubt that her mate would love her.
Maybe Sienna's perception on mates was wrong.

"But mates are meant to be, I'm sure the moon goddess can confirm it," she kept trying to catch his eye. Rowan couldn't bring himself to look at her, she could tell as he kept looking everywhere but her.

"I'm sorry, sugar but our pack, my pack, We have a reputation, it's either my pack or you, and my pack always come first," he continued.

"But what about happiness? Your's to be exact. Not even that comes before the pack?" On the appeared to be calm and collected but she was sweating cold sweat. Rowan shook his head stubbornly.

She could hear her wolf pleading to the moon goddess that this was some kind of twisted joke. But by the looks of it they both knew that this was no joke. Her wolf was dormant and because of that he was going to reject her.

"Just be glad you're still high ranking, you can't shift you can't be my luna.I can't have you embarrassing me," He said quietly. Sienna knew what was to come, every wolf's worst nightmare.

"I, Alpha Rowan Nash Heath, severe the bond connecting you, Sienna Carpenter as my mate and Luna," he finally gazed down at her, gave her a quick nod and continued walking towards the games room.

'This wasn't supposed to happen. What has he done?' Addi growled lowly. Even if Sienna was severely heart broken she let out a relieved sigh, she was glad that her wolf didn't blame herself.

When she touched her face she realized that throughout all of that she started crying. Sienna walked back into the washroom closing the door behind her, she leaned against the sink. Her eyes red and getting puffy with tears streaming down her face. She stripped off her clothes and stepped into the shower. Turning it to the hottest setting but even then the water felt cold.

After rinsing the conditioner out of her hair, Sienna left her eyes closed. Standing under the burning water, visions started to come at her. Pictures of Rowan being happy with his Luna to-be and myself so lonely displayed all over her eyelids.

'What is it you're trying to say, Addi,' She was confused by what she was doing. She paced around in circles as she answered, 'Whether I want to admit it or not, he will move on. In a week we're supposed to be gone, away from this place. We need space from all of this, maybe we should leave early.'

'We are not weak, Si. Mentally and Physically, we are special to the werewolf world very few of us exist. Never will I ever allow someone to call us weak and live their life without a care in the world. We are strong, and no one, not even our mate will tell us any differently,' She was right, why should she let some bastard alpha stop her from living her life?

Quickly drying herself off and running to her room covered in only a towel. She changed, leaving her dirty clothes in the hamper. Grabbing her suitcases and rolling it to the front door.

That night Sienna convinced her parents to let her leave early. It wasn't that much of a struggle as she had never been to a school away from home, her parents wanted her to settle in before the school year starts.

As the car getting warmed up Sienna did final packing check. "Jason help your sister with her bags you dickwad!" Sienna smiled at their relationship. Jason's mate Janine was exactly what he needed at the minute. She was his rock, there to remind him that even if he thought he wasn't worthy of being beta that he was chosen for a reason.

Jason ran out as fast as lightning with her bags in tow. As he was putting her luggage in the trunk Sienna went to say goodbye to her dad. He gave her a big hug and a good luck.

After she got situated in her seat she rolled down the window, Jason came up and gave her a kiss on the forehead, "Be on your best behavior. You better not cry because I'm expecting you here every holiday break."

"We both know I don't get holiday breaks but I love you and I'll be back very soon," Sienna's voice was low, she was trying to keep my tears at bay. Giving him a soft smile and a weak wave, Janine put the car in drive then sped down the road she grew up on.

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