Kabuto & The Written Exam! (What's with all the Narutos?)

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My earlier predictions on Sasuke had told me that something big was coming in the chunin exams and after what Kakashi had mentioned about them...I didn't know if I wanted to enter.It seemed too dangerous,but this is where Sasuke and my trade comes into play... It's a turning point of team7 and for him, from the future I saw before, this will intensify his desire for power. So I have to do everything in my power to change it! 


"Grandmother... how do I reach my mother?" I was back in my old home with my grandmother, she had always kept tabs on my mother, and I needed my mother's help now. She was a skilled fighter and I wished to learn from her. My grandmother let out a cloud of smoke when she pulled her lips away from her pipe. I let out a sigh, this was one of the most filthiest habits to me,but it reminded me of home with its familiar smell.

My grandmother let out a hum as she closed her eyes to think. I have never really met my mother... everything I've heard about her was from my grandmother, but her mind was starting to go and her memory is fading.

"Who are you?" I froze, I thought I'd be the last one to disappear from her thoughts, but I'm suprised to find I was one of the firsts. I repeated my name and explain who I was and what I wanted again. She seemed to take this in and nod.

"Your mother... eh, I think she's on a trip..." she stared at the sky. This was frustrating, I know she's gone, but where? I let out a frustrated sigh before I left. I shouldn't get mad...this happens when people get old, but who else might know where she is?

The Hokage!


"Hokage-sama!" I ran, bursting into the room to find his grandson harassing him...again. The kid was a brat, but somehow he thinks Naruto is amazing...

"Yes, Kyoko?" I felt myself grow embarassed for my lacking manners. I bowed and mumbled a sorry. He motioned for the special jounin (aka babysitter) to take Konahamaru away. After about three minutes, he decided to speak, "now...you're asking about your mother huh?"

I felt myself stiffened, but remembered the Hokage's fascination with the crystal ball. I nodded and smiled at the old man warily. What exactly has the man seen about my situation? I thought about the upcoming destruction heading towards the village and wondered if I should tell him?

"You know, your mother is forbidden to step in the village, are you aware, Lady Kyoko?" I felt my head swirl. I wasn't aware. Why would she not be allowed? I felt him grunt and it sent me back to reality. He stared at me seriously before continuing.

"I know about your family's trait; however, murder will not be tolerated in the village," I felt my face grow pale. Murder? I didn't exactly know how my father's live ended, but that it had.

"I-I-I was unaware of-f...h-how he d-died..." I felt my loud voice grow to a whisper, "I-I only know he HAD to die." I felt bile reach my throat and my skin grew clammy. I swallowed the acid down back to my stomach before putting things together. How...? How could someone that has a poisonous body become clean?

"Yes, your mother killed him," I watched him eye me warily. "We found him with no skin, but the clothing was the same...We found shedded skin beside him...one that matched your mother's description." I was trembling, I knew the room wasn't moving for real, so it had to be me.

"S-she stole his skin!" I heard myself growl. I bursted out of the room, running to the only person that could help me.


I had signed my forms for the chunin exam and I was nervous out of my mind, this part wouldn't be too hard, I'm sure, but I was still terrified. I followed behind everyone as we opened the door to the room to realize it was a genjutsu. I had paid no mind to this and felt sick still from my meeting with the Hokage.

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