28• Demolished

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As we walked into the movie theater, there was not a sound to be heard. The reverberations of our foot steps echoed throughout the room. It sounded like a giant creature stepped onto the ground other than three teenaged students.

It was the moment of a life time. I was ecstatic to be here and I couldn't leave my emotions undone. My actions spoke for my heart as I jumped and leaped across the room. Spinning around in circles, I almost hit the edge of a chair and fell.

"Woah, careful there," Aidan said as he held my arm to  balance me.

"And I thought I was crazy," Melissa commented, rolling her eyes to the side.

"Hey! I'm just a bit excited. That's all." I laughed, pulling a seat directly in the middle of the room. It's the most auspicious place to enjoy a screening. Even though the only ones I ever watched were the princess types with my sister, I still knew how to make the best of it.

People were beginning to enter the dark box. There were laughs coming from the end of the hallway, but they were soon hushed once they came into the room. The talking was replaced by mumbles. Once the movie would begin, it would be replaced with silence.

Fifteen long minutes of infomercials and our popcorn was already gone. Buttery popcorn is only good when it's steaming hot.

"You mind getting some more popcorn for us Melissa?" Aidan asked with a whisper, not wanting to disturb the others.

"Great. Now I'm the maid." Melissa took the popcorn bucket with an ungrateful pull and a frustrated smile. She couldn't be mad at a time as this one.

"Yeah, be grateful I'm paying. I could always make you do it. It was your idea in the first place." Aidan shook his head. His light brown hair swaying a bit.

"You know Verna, worst comes to worst, I could always take your boy buddy if it doesn't work out." She let out a small smile. "I meant there is a bit of abhorrence, but I think we can work that out. Just like in all those other romance stories. Love-hate relationships are the best. Right Aidan?"

I started to laugh when Aidan mumbled the words 'Help Me.' He obviously wasn't agreeing to the idea. It took the jealousy right off my shoulders if there was any.

"Phew, finally she's gone. She's been starring at me nonstop since we arrived." He wiped his forehead with the top of his hand.

I loved the one-time freedom my parents had given me. Laughter would be the only thing escaping my mouth the whole night. I wish my days weren't numbered with misery. The feeling of your side hurting after a few minutes of unstoppable amusement was an amazing feeling.

"You look amazing. Let me get that out of the way before 'the other one' comes back and strangles me for a compliment also." He shivers.

I chose to wear a lace black dress that rose just above my knees. It wasn't revealing at all and it was sure to please my parents. I think my mother bought it herself.

"Give me your hand," he said as he twisted my hand, causing my wrist to face him.

He took out a pen and wrote his name on my wrist. Hopefully, it would only last a few days or else I could get in serious trouble.

"Why do you have a pen anyways? Are you a business man? " I teased.

I sat up a bit straighter and pretending to fix my nonexistent suit.

"A pen always comes in handy. Plus, I sometimes go to pay bills after school so it helps." He shrugged before handing me the pen.

"Here. Write your name on my wrist."

I took the pen without hesitation and wrote at my best ability. Curving the 'a' at the end of my name. I didn't have the best handwriting, but my name was a carving on stone.

Melissa sat down with the bucket of popcorn and began eating it. I extended my hand, but she swatted it away.

"Na-a-a." She shook her pointer finger as a teacher would when a student wouldn't listen.

I pouted for the first time today and she gladly let me take a handful.

"Yay!" I exclaimed.

The movie we had chosen was a comedy to match my mood. The whole crowd was crying from merriment towards the middle of it. I expected there to be a small muster of people since we did come early. The movie must have been more popular than I thought.

The person next to us accidentally laughed and sneezed at the same time, creating a sound never had I heard before. I looked at Melissa to see if she had heard. My snickering had been contained until I saw the look on her face. She definitely had noticed and we both exploded.

Melissa had been acting weird the last few minutes of the movie. She pulled out her phone and started typing something on her phone. Weird.

She extended her phone screen so that it was in my view. It read, "She really needs to wear a bra and shave her arms."

That was it, I couldn't control my laughter. The whole theater was silent when I erupted. Melissa's giggles followed as mines stopped, until she snorted. Aidan looked at us as if we were mad woman.

We continued the festivity to the car. Melissa unlocked the car and opened the front seat's door.

"Bye Aidan!" We both waved.  The doors clicked shut and we began our drive home.

"That was the best day of my life. Thank you!" I almost reached out to hug her, but I then remembered my place. Today wouldn't corrupt my thoughts on affection.

I checked the time as we pulled into the drive way of my house. My mother was standing outside right at curfew with her arms crossed. She probably wanted to get the fact across that they were strict parents. I think Melissa could tell by the way my mother held herself.

She always had her arms crossed and a deceiving smile. It made everyone think she was perfect yet I knew different.

"What was your name? Oh, Melissa! Why don't you come in and have that cup of tea now?" She gestured towards our house.

"Um, I guess it's still early. Why not?" She turned off the car and entered the house, giving a few more compliments.

My mother made me brew the tea. She said it would cleanse our bodies from all the popcorn and soda we had this afternoon.

"So how was the movie today?" My mother asked innocently.

"It was great and really funny." Melissa nodded her head as I came into the living room with a tray of three cups of tea.

"Oh yeah! And the guy Verna brought was really hot." She looked at me, but I was about to cry.

I dropped everything. The tea burning my exposed legs. The world had gone into slow motion. My jaw dropped in incredulity. Surely my ears were lying to me. Leave it to the teacher's pet to spill.

My secret had been exposed.

I was soon an obliteration.

The walls came towering down above me and I couldn't breathe.

(A/n: Oh no ...)

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