17• Distant

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My hair was flying from side to side uncontrollably. I try to tame it with my hands, but I am unable to. Aidan comes from behind me, grabbing my hair into his hands. I screech, but when I realize it is only Aidan I settle down.

"If you keep sneaking up from behind me, I'm never going to stay." The previous thoughts appear into my mind like a slide show. I gather all my hair and tie it with an elastic band.

"What scared I'm a murderer ready to take all your organs and sell it to some hospital?" He leans closer to me as I scoot away.

"You know I might actually think that if you won't quit teasing me like that," I said from an even farther distance. I wiped my dirt covered hands on my pants.

"You know, green is really your color. It brings out your hazel eyes." He smiles at me, shortening the area between us. He probably doesn't notice, but I am doing the same.

"No, it doesn't. It brings out the horrible memories of a long day." I frown. School uniforms are just a reminder that it's perpetual. If I make it to twelfth grade, I'll burn it down.

"Speaking of school, what college do you go to?" I continue with a harmless question.

"Ah, I'm still in high school." He puts his hand in his hair and pulls it back. If I could feel the softness of his hair, I would cut it off and make it into pillows. I meant, my cheeks would deepen into a dark red color.

"Well you see, I had to take a year off of school to fix my life a bit. The school I go to is actually pretty close to yours. I wouldn't have accepted picking you up if it wasn't." I allow him to continue. He closes his eyes slightly. When he opens them up again, they are a brighter, ocean blue.

"I'm really sorry, but that isn't something you should tell me. A girl wants to be told that he would do anything for her." I shake my head in denial.

"Is a guy supposed to do this?" He wraps his arms around my waist and tackles me to the ground. It's not what I expected. I was caught off guard and I do not appreciate it.

I stand up as I begin to wipe the remains of dirt on my backside. My finger is my sword and it is brought out ready to attack. My back is arched and I am ready to complain.

I lean forward and say, "I'll have you know, my daddy is a lawyer and I can sew you for this," I joke while stretching to crack my back. He raises his eyebrows in bafflement.

"You see, I was going to tell you how I got this beauty of a home. You might as well tell your lawyer daddy to do it. " He clearly didn't take my anecdote in the way I meant it.

"Oh, calm down. I'm not five and I'm my dad isn't a lawyer. You see I can joke around sometimes." I sit back down beside him and I hit his arm playfully. He lays down, pulling his arms behind his head. His muscles can bring a girl back to life.

"Fine, I'll tell you. After my parents went away. My kind uncle took me in although he wasn't very kind. He didn't want me living with his children so he bought me this little barn, big enough for one. I meant he comes and checks on me every once and awhile, but as I get older the visits become less frequent." He glances at me waiting for my response or any type of facial expression.

"So how do make ends meet?" I ask with a move of a shoulder.

"Thankfully, my dad was saving money and I received his legacy. My uncle sold the old house I was living in and I also got emancipated," he replies turning to the side so that he can face me. I move a few feet away with my knees bended in a crouch.

"Why'd you move so far away? I'm not going to eat you. This is not the right way to treat a guy. A guy wants his hair pulled back. See." He moves the hair that has fallen out of my ponytail from my eyes. I do not back away. Instead I take my hand and push the hair out of his eyes.

"Happy?" I say with a uneven smile.

"Yeah, exactly like that! Well anyways, enough about me. You never told me what happened the other day." He smirks, but I am now panicking.

"Um, what time is it? It's getting late. You should really take me home." I look at my wrist for the watch, but then remember I'm not wearing one. I take his hand to look at his instead.

"See. It's late." I take his watch and bring it closer to his face so that he can get a better view.

"Verhan, stop trying to change the subject. It's all right. You can tell me anything." He grabs my wrist and places them on his thighs. My heavy breathing calms down, but I am not ready to share a tremendous amount of information.

"Fine, tell me another time." He extends his hands to lift me up. I stare at it blankly.

"What?" I shake my head in confusion.

"You said it was late. You wanted to go home. Remember?" His eyebrows come closer together as if it's aiding my memory.

"Oh yeah. I forgot." I bring my hands to my shoulders in a question mark and pull my innocent smile.

My voice becomes higher than it already is by the end of my sentence. I'm dubious that people can actually stand the pitch of my voice. It's so squeaky that it could match a dog whistle. It's probably the reason everyone obeys my commands.

We walk to his silver car. He opens the door for me as usual. I take a glance at the old barn with a tree behind it. It's branches top the house giving it a forlorn imagine. It isn't sad at all. This is where one of the best people live. I turn my head to Aidan and nod. He smiles in return.

"So, this car never really broke down. Did it?" I ask while setting my bag on my lap.

"Well, you have it all figured out you." He pats my head. Before he can continue, I grab his hand mid pat.

"Don't ever do that again. I'm seriously not five and I hate it," I warn while squinting my eyes.

There were no words spoken between us the rest of the car ride. The silence was comforting. I looked at the mountainous view with trees and the water trickling down the window.

The smell of the rain filled the car when I got out. I took a deep breath and slammed the door with a thud. He waved goodbye and I did the same.

I snuck into my room through the balcony. With a quiet shut to the door, I walked in. My father wasn't there in a surprise attack this time. I am safe for now.

A/n: Sorry my writings been like this lately. My life is filled with euphoric events and I am just so happy. Just kidding, I think I broke the record for longest hours in bed.

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