5• Stranger

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I pull the heavy sheets away from my face slowly so my eyes do not feel the sudden shock of light. I make my way to the bathroom and begin to brush my teeth. The picture the mirror has presented to me is slightly more pleasant since I washed my face. This time of the morning only reminds me that I must become Verhan now. Maybe she will not be a disgrace to the Andrews family. I have to look down and close my mouth shut.

I open the doors of my closet and take my repelling uniform out. I take the sea green pants, the striped sea green shirt, and strap on my glasses calling it a ready-to-go look. I take my bag, place it on my back not realizing that the bus has been beeping for a while by this time. I run down the stairs finding horror at the end of them.

"GO! He has been making that irritating noise for five minutes. He cannot wait for you forever. What are you doing? Leave!" My mother has spoken the most beautiful words to me.

I am only obliged to reply something back. On the bright side she is not able to reach me out here. "Mother, you are the kindest! 'Have a nice day at school sweety!' to you too!"

As I reach the gate of our house, I see most of the other students starring at me with rage. It is as if I deprived them of their one true love... school. A little boy trips me before I can enter my seat. The audacity of people nowadays. How can someone not teach their child respect?

I am really wishing that my dad would have let me learn how to drive. Sometimes my dad can be so obstinate that not even a rock could break his head. His head is as hard as a rock.

I am forced to pull out my history book. World history, my favorite subject. I could not explain my aversion for it; there would be an on going list that would never stop.

My attention is drawn to the splendrous mountainous view. We are on a road that is paved on the top of a mountain and from here we can see many other hills with trees and bushes. The sky is filled with white clouds and an airplane flying in between them. It is completely spectacular until I turn my head and find a boy starring at me. He gets up and comes nearer to me. He has dark brown hair and brown eyes. He looks about the age seventeen.

I feel a hand slide across my head. Did he seriously just touch my hair? This is the exact reason I always keep it in a braid. People can be so aggravating. This is going to put me in a bad mood the whole day. I grab my hair and pull one piece over another tightly. The places where I tugged at my hair yesterday still hurt.

"What's your name sweety pie?" I hear a voice call behind me. I am in plain shock and my jaw has dropped. What is the matter with people? Since when did this kid get on to this bus and who would allow a creep like this on?

I am just about to speak when I remember my place. I am Verhan. I must look down and pretend to do something far more important. After a few minutes of continuous starring, he finally reaches his destination. My heart has finally cooled. I was really worried about myself for a second.

Ten minutes later and the long 20 minute drive has ended. I come to an arrival of a gloomy thought. The tenth grade might as well have been the most stressful of all years I have been able to handle. My parent's thoughtfulness to put me in a private all girls school. It was so decided that it would be a better experience for me to be around girls all the time. They say this is the reason, but I think the only reason is to get me away from the opposite gender. If I was supposedly seen close to one, my dad would have a turn of mood. If he was angry, he would only become angerier.

I enter my classroom without a greeting from anyone. This is better for me because I can finish reading the history lesson from before. I might as well be ready for it. There aren't many bullies in this school because the uniform doesn't give anyone a chance to comment on someone's appearance except Emelia.

She comes through the door shouting as usual her absurd 'recommendations.' Flipping her gold hair from side to side her light green eyes spot me.

"And you, Verhan, get a life." A typical Emelian statement. It is likely that she would have the time to think of new ones or then again she may spend her time doing other things. It surprises me that her parents do not even care for an action she has done in the past. I am even more surprised that no one cares for that past.

I would comment back, but I must be Verhan at this moment. Instead I look down and continue to read the sentence. The four climate zones of Africa...
This is exactly what I mean. I cannot stand to look at these words anymore. I take my glasses off and lay my head on the desk. It only felt like a minute and I already feel a breath beating down on my neck.

"Verhan, this may seem like a bed to you, but it is unmistakably not." It's only the teacher that thinks she is the principle of this school. She is wearing the same purple colored shirt with bright green pants. I can't stand to look at another Barney ever again. I don't even know how she knows my name; I haven't gotten in trouble before. People have only gotten in trouble from me. I am not a snitch, but when someone messes around with the quiet girl there is no leaving about.

The only thing that is left in my system to do is to look down and stand up to grab my books for the next class. About a hundred paper balls fall off of my shoulders. It did not seem like I was asleep for so long. People were right when they said I was a heavy sleeper.

"Everybody look! Verhan has enough dandruff that it almost looks like snow on her shoulders. How embarrassing?" The only person thinkable could have done this to me. Emelia. When they said she could devious, they meant it.

There is not someone in this world that can be so cruel to make a girl sad. I can only think of my one motivational sentence.

No more pain. No more worries. No more sorrow.

I quickly grab a piece of paper, write it down, and roll it up. I will add this to my collection later. For now, it has saved a tear from dropping out of my eye.

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