24• Confess

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The list of schemes that I have made to threaten my brother with is not as long as I hoped it would be, but it is enough to get him to get his heart beating. He was always a lifeless hound who always irritated me. This is only step one of my revenge.

•Slide a note under my parents bedroom door one night anonymously.

•Keep the note for a week or two for blackmail purposes.

•If all goes well, I'll be a generous sister and keep it a secret.

•Ruin their whole relationship by threatening him. His fear will overcome him and he will have to break up with her.

"Poor girl," I thought. She really didn't deserve to have her heart broken. It won't come to these circumstances if my brother listens to me.

This is going to entertain me for the last few months of school. Since I'm not allowed to leave the house, this should be a good replacement.

I knock at my door startled me. My eyes widened at the piece of paper I had in front of me. I abruptly took it and hid it under my pillow, turning to a blank piece of paper in my notebook.

My mother peaked her head a bit into my room before opening the door completely.

"What are you doing?" She asked. The actual question she had in mind was, "Are you doing something that could possibly ruin this family?"

I shook my head slightly, "Oh, me?"

She looked around the room, pretending to be interested in her surroundings. "Who else then?" Her eyebrows arched. I didn't mean to provoke her; I'm more afraid of that belt then anything else in this world.

"I'm just doing some homework." I smiled at her innocently while taking another book out of my bag to make it more convincing.

She seemed pleased before she left my room. Although she's never satisfied with anything. It sickens me to know that the woman who is supposed to love you is most likely plotting your death the moment you do something wrong.

I've decided to use this furtively for my own advantages. I might never have to teach him geometry again.

My smile grew as I heard another knock at my door. Everyone secretly loves me and I haven't noticed before. There's no other reason to visit me during my free leisure.

"Come in!" I shouted. Laying my back flat to my pillow, I pretended to write another essay.

A few seconds passed without an answer. I groaned to myself and got up to check whom was at the door. The hallway was oddly empty.

If it's vacant, then I must be having hearing problems. Well, I'm glad to know that no one else is going to bother me anymore.

I closed the wooden door, before continuing to my bed. My math homework was haunting me in my bag. I guess I should actually start on my homework.

A brush of wind ran across my foot. Clearly too focused on the math problem, I ignored it. It happened a second time before something cool grabbed it.

I was terrified, but I couldn't scream. It was too risky and I didn't want my parents asking any questions. I would rather keep my business to myself.

I kicked the hand off my foot and called, "Jonah?"

No answer.

I was becoming aggravated. "Seriously, if it's you I won't ever give you anything again."

"Your wrong." A deep voice called out. It surely wasn't Jonah. While my brother's voice was still transitioning, it was unsteady.

With my heart beating frantically, I grabbed my math book to protect myself. I threw a few pillows onto the ground before a leg appeared. The tears were ready to escape, I really wanted to die in a much nobler way.

"What? I was just checking under the bed to see if there were any monsters. We all know your afraid of them. I want to protect you that's all. " The voice became clearer as the body stood.

Aidan. I seriously was going to kill him. He really had the confidence to pull such a stunt.

I threw my math book at him. "Next time protect yourself." I ordered.

He winced in pain and fell to his knees. "My stomach."

"Sorry," I said shyly. "How did you get in here anyways?"

He pointed to the balcony door. I really was losing my hearing. The knock was really coming from the other side of my room.

Shaking off the pain, he said, "I have a present for you. Do you remember the errand I had to do?" 


The wind hit me as soon as I walked outside. It was refreshing after a few hours of being in a room. The weather was finally starting to clear up from the other day. It seemed as if spring was right around the corner and I was glad.

The first thing I noticed was the small plant on the side. I twisted my body slightly to look at Aidan. He was more cheerful than usual.

It was the most thoughtful thing. There stood a miniature tree with it's branches extending outwards over the edge. With it, sat two figures under the largest branch . It seemed as if he had taken the dolls from his sisters old dollhouse. Although, Aidan doesn't have a sister. It was beautiful; this is probably the first present I ever got in my whole entire life.

"You didn't have to! I love it!" I patted his back, too afraid to give him a hug. I wasn't so sure of much physical contact yet. It made me uncomfortable; just the thought made me twitch.

"Your welcome. I just notice how you always look at the scenery around you and how much you admire the tree outside my barn. Well, my home. " He struggled, pretending it wasn't significant.

"But you will have to keep these." I held out the two figures in loathsome. "I absolutely hate dolls."

It was a great gift, but my fear of anything containing a pair of eyes that isn't a living object gave me the shivers.

"Why are they going to take your soul or something?" He joked.

"Maybe." I sat down on the preferably cool ground. "You might want to burn that so it doesn't come and replace it's soul with yours while your sleeping."

He started to laugh. This was not a joking matter. I was completely serious. It must have been a film I watched when I was younger that flipped my views upside down.

"Verhan, I have to confess something to you," he said, changing the subject.

I was absorbed by confusion.

A/n: One month later, exactly. This chapter is going to be continued in the next one, although, it might be shorter.

And I reread my story. Sorry if some of the clicheness wearied you down. I don't even know what I was thinking. I guess it's too late now , but I think I had some pretty good ideas here and there .

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