Beautiful Lies

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AN: hey there! Thanks a lot if you are reading this right now. I hope you enjoy this story. (:



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It is totally copyright!!

On with the story and sorry for that rant!(:



"Hello?" I answered as my phone buzzed with a number I didn't recognise. All I could hear from the other side was a little bit of shuffling.

"Hello?" I repeated. More shuffling. It sounded more like someone was crying.

"Is anyone there?" If I receive no answer now, I'll disconnect it, I thought as I tapped my foot on the floor, waiting.

Sobbing, I heard sobbing. Someone on the other end was crying, I could tell. The first thing that popped in my mind was that someone was playing a prank on me. Without thinking twice, I disconnected my phone.

"Who was it Niall?" Harry asked, taking a bite of his pizza while his eyes were still glued to the T.V.

"Nah! No one to worry about. Just someone playing a prank!" I replied, taking my pizza slice.


I reached for my phone on the side table and saw the same number flashing. I answered the phone and before the person on the other side had the chance to speak, I started first, "hey look whoever it is, I am n-"

I was cut off by a shaky voice of a girl pleading for me to stay.

"Please, don't disconnect the phone. Please stay." I could tell this girl was having a hard time as it was obvious to tell she was crying.

"Who is this?" I asked politely, totally confused on how to handle this.

"Why? Huh? Why did he leave me..? Whe-when I ne-needed him the- the mo-most?" She asked. It seemed like she needed a shoulder to cry on. And maybe she couldn't talk to a close one.

"Hey love it's okey. Shhhh, I am right here." I replied, trying to sooth her.

"Who is it Niall?" The boys asked. I placed my palm on the speaker to tell the boys.

"I don't know. This girl just called me and she is crying. I think she dialled the wrong number. I'll tell her." I replied.

"Put it on speaker," Zayn suggested.

I put my phone on speaker and turned the tv down.

"Hey, love, I think you dialled the wrong number babe." I tried to inform her.

"I don't know who I dialled. Please just talk to me. Please tell me he'll come back. Tell me they all will. Tell me it's not my fault. Just tell me he will come for me." The girl managed to choke out of her endless sobs. I saw the boys' expressions change as their faces turned sympathetic. I felt so bad for this girl. She had to call a random number just to have someone to listen to her trembling voice. I wish I could be with her, to hush her down.

"It's okey love. You can talk to me. You have me." I tried again.

"No I don't! I don't have anyone! They all left me behind! Why?! Why me though?" She asked but suddenly, the phone got disconnected.

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