8. Moment

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(AN: okey, so guys I know 1D is way to famous to not be bombarded by fans around the mall. But let's just pretended that they are like taking a break from all the media. For the sake of the story please!(:)

A small screechy sound came from the tires as the car was parked in the parking lot, indicating that we had reached our destination, the mall.

The whole car ride from our house to the mall, I had been thinking about this morning. About my conversation with her, with Aria. A very pretty name. I swear when she asked me my name, I started shaking if it wasn't Liam who helped me calm down and told me what to say next. I was very glad that I could make her laugh. This was the first time I had heard her laugh and trust me, it was beautiful. I wondered what does 'Farishta' means... I found myself foolishly smiling at the thought about her.

A tap on my shoulder brought me back to reality.

"Hey, mate you...there..?" Zayn asked, giving me a confused look.

"Ye-yea. Right here!" I smiled back.

I watched as the automatic doors opened for us to enter. Josh stepped in first. Followed by Harry and then me, Liam and Zayn. I wasn't really in the mood for shopping right now, I just came along to get my mind off of things and walk around.

"Um.. I am gonna go to that shop and you guys can go where you want, we'll meet at this little caffe in about an hour?" Josh suggested.

"Sounds cool!" Liam replied.

I decided to stick around with Liam as I didn't really have any plans.


"Got anything good?" Josh asked, as he reached are meeting spot. I shook my head and stayed away as the rest of the lads talked about what they got.

"Let's get going, I am hungry!" I stood up, throwing my hands in my pants pockets. We were all simply walking beside the shops until Josh took a sudden stop. Instead of his voice, I heard a young girls' voice, snapping my head at her, I saw Josh had bumped into her.

"Oh god! I am so so-" she tried to apologies but was rudely cut off by Josh.

"Wow wow! Please Ms! Watch where you go! You jus- woah! Aren't you that girl who poured coffee on me-us?" He said, sounding very rude. I whispered to him, telling him that it was very rude of him but he just seemed to have ignored my comment.

Oh, so that's her..I thought as I tried to take in her facial features. She looked about the same age as us. Light brunette layers of hair framed her face, decorating it with grey-ish brownish pupils, laid neatly in her eyes. The boys passed some comments, nothing rude or mean, just some cheeky pick up lines, which made me laugh too but it seemed like she was lost in her thoughts.

Her attention snapped back at us, or shall I say, to Harry when he, between fists of laughter, said, "hahaha! Yup! Sure as hell a loaner! Just walking around the shops alone and starring at stuff!"

I realised how she starred at him, tears clouding her eyes, sobs starting to escape her light pink lips. I suddenly stopped laughing as our intentions were clearly not make her cry, considering the fact that thé Harry Styles said pick lines to her.

I tapped the rest of the lads to stop them from laughing as they saw her tear stained cheek. She pushed past us and the crowed and ran, to my guess, towards the washroom.

"Guys! We shouldn't have done that! We made her cry.." Liam said in concern.

"But they were just a few cheeky pick up lines.." Josh defended earning a nod from Harry.

"I think it wasn't the pick up lines. I think it was what Harry said last, the loaner part." I concluded.

"Well I am sorry if I made her cry," Harry said in honesty with Josh agreeing.

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