20. Dream

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I gasped for a breath as I came to a sudden stop. Tapping my chest gently, I called out his name, "Farishta!"

My voice echoed through the dark night.

"Where are you? Please don't leave me!" I shouted, endlessly trying to make out anything in my vision. It felt like I was running in a dark room which never came to an end.

Screaming and shouting for his name, my breath heaved.

"Here Aria. I'm here." I heard his voice whisper through the darkness. I spread my arms wide in front of me, grabbing nothing but air.

"Where?! Please tell me!" With panic evident in my voice, I kept crying.

"Here. Behind you." His voice laced upon my left ear as I spun around only to face the darkness.

"I can't see you Farishta please don't do this! Please! I'm scared! I need you!" I said with sweat dripping down my forehead.

"No you don't. You have him now. Turn around. He's there." Tingling in my right ear this time, he sounded hurt but his voice had a hint of a joke in it. As if he was laughing at me. But why?

My eyes sprung open as my phone rang. My eyes wondered around as I whispered, "Farishta," only to realise I was lying in my same double bed in the same one bedroom apartment which I still couldn't call my home. Wiping my forehead, I realised it was nothing but a dream. A dream so vivid that I dreaded the moment I would lose him.

A shiver ran down my body at the thought of it. No matter who I met, who I had feelings for, Farishta would always be a special someone to me. Someone I knew nothing about. Someone who listened to me when no one else did. Someone who heard me speak when no one did. Someone who I could call my friend. Someone who..saved me when no one else tried.

Farishta's name flashed on the screen and within a few seconds, I answered, "hey Farishta! Good morning!" I said, yawning.

"Farishta? Wait..Aria.." Confusingly, he stuttered in his words.

"Yeah...are you okey..?" I asked.

"Oh yeah I think I dialled the wrong number. I was gonna call someone...but it's okey. Good morning to you too sunshine!" I could imagine the smile perfectly sat upon his lips.

"Now that you called, I just had a really really weird dream about you.." I said, standing up and walking to the kitchen.

"Dream? About me? Wh- what happened?" He asked.

"Yeah. It was about me running running around, trying to find...you.."

"Find me?"

"Yeah. As if you were leaving me. You said, well in the dream, that I have him now so...I don't need you.." I whispered the last part.

He said nothing. A low hushed breathing from his end was all I could hear. For a moment, the silence surrounding my ears pushed me to fall back in to the dream. As if his silence was the reality of the dream. As if saying nothing was his way of telling me something I dreaded to hear. The room fell in silence for a mere second, yet the impact it had on me and my thoughts was enough to break me there and then. In that mere second I was able to feel my heart sink and tears threatening to pool around my eyes. If he had remained silent for another second, I would have lost my ability to control my emotions. Again.

But he didn't.

"Aria. You don't need me. You have me. You're not something I decide to keep with me for a while and then just throw away whenever I want. You are someone. You are someone to me. Someone which is very special to me. No matter what or who comes in the middle."

I let out a breath I didn't know I was holding in. Relief washed over me as I said, "you know I feel the same way right? Just because I have met someone, it doesn't mean I will let you go just like that. I can't. And I won't."

"I know. I know." I could feel the reluctance in his words. As if he had planned otherwise. As if this call and my dream changed his thoughts.

I decided to leave the gnawing thought alone and get ready for work.




Hey all. Just another filler chapter while I think of something big for this stupid story...

Thank you for sticking with me and this story for 20 chapters!<3

Love you all! Have a nice day/night!<3

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