5. Coffee

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The sound of my phone arose me from my sleep, indicating it was running out of battery. I stared it at for a while, trying to figure out why it was out of battery so quick.

I finally realised why as the thought of this morning came to my mind. I called him this morning. I pulled the phone next to me ear, hoping he had disconnected. I felt guilt rush through me for waking up a stranger in the middle of the night just because I couldn't sleep.

He had disconnected, obviously after I fell asleep.

I rubbed my eyes, trying to take in my surroundings. I realised I was lying on the couch in my new one bedroom apartment I shifted in yesterday.

I stepped out of my sleeping position only to stumble over the over loaded boxes.

"Ow.." I whined in pain as the sharp edge of the box poked my leg.

I managed to make my way out of the maze of the boxes and towards the kitchen. The microwave clock flashed 9:30 in the morning. I had an hour and a half before I had to leave for work.

I managed to find the cans of sugar and coffee in the boxes as I heated the milk.

With every sip I took, I realised how lonely I was, drinking coffee with myself. No one was there to share a cup of coffee with me. Each of the sip was becoming harder and harder to gulp down with the thought of it.

I wasn't the person I used to be anymore, circumstances change people, sometimes for better or for worse. And in my case it was worse.

Loneliness used to be one of my biggest fears, I didn't know that I would have to live with it.


Yet again, I stumbled over the boxes to find my car keys. I pushed my hand between the gap of two boxes which rested beside the couch. My fingers traced around the cold metal as my hand pulled out the keyring. What hit my face was a little keyring photo frame with a picture of me and my girls. First was Kayla, next to her was me, standing next to me was Miley and next to Marissa was Kelsey. And last but not the least, next to Kelsey was Alice. All of us pulling a funny face as we posed to the camera at a carnival.

My lips sheepishly curled in a smile at the memory this keyring held but it was soon washed away as I fell on the box and came back to reality.

Hurt flashed my eyes again.

I got out of my awkward position, gripping my car keys. I stepped out of my small apartment and locked it behind me. This building had apartments with different number of bedrooms. I got the cheapest one with one bedroom as it was enough for me and my loneliness.


"Here Aria, pop this on love," Magee, the manager of this coffee shop, smiled at me, passing the apron to me. I gladly replied her smile, trying my best to fake it.

"Is she really gonna be working here with us?" One of my colleagues asked to no one in particular, giving me a disgusted look, along with her friend.

My smile slowly crawled away from my lips. I awkwardly stood there trying to wrap my apron around my waist as Magee gave that girl and her friend a glare.

"Don't worry about them. Just get to work. So, now that your new and still have training left you will only be serving and cleaning only. After your training is done, only then you can make coffee," Magee explained.

"Yeah. Thanks!" I mumbled.

I got to my work, serving and cleaning the dishes. I tried keeping just to myself, making sure not to create any mess. But you know what? I attract bad luck, here went my day in drain...

As I cleaned the coffee cups, Sarah, one of my colleagues, called out to me. I wiped my hands roughly on my apron and walked towards her, giving her a genuine smile.

"Sorry Aria, can you please take this to table number seven? I have to make more orders." She asked. Well at least someone was nice to me.

"Yeah, sure!" I smiled, taking the tray in my hands and walking to the front.

As carefully as possible, I watched my steps towards the table, this tray held three cups of coffee and loads of different snacks. The last thing I wanted at this moment would have been to drop the tray.

As I walked past table number six, the strip of a carry on bag that was hanging out of the chair, wrapped around my leg and made me trip over, causing the tray of food to flip around.

"OWWW!" I cried, as my nose smashed on table number seven. I collected myself and got back up on my feet only to see three boys starring back at me with coffee drained shirts, decorated with the plate of snacks. My hands quickly covered my mouth as I tried to suppress a squeak.

'What have I done?' I thought to myself as my eyes stared at the three boys with tightened jaws and clenched fists. Luckily, the coffee was cold so it did no harm. It felt like they were trying to abolish their anger but then one finally let it out..

"Aaah!! Please watch where you go!" He said, with a clenched jaw and tight fist. It was not angry enough to make someone cry but not polite enough to make them reply but it happened anyway.

"S- so-sorry.. I am so sorry..." I mumbled as I started to back away. I picked up the tray and ran towards the back of the kitchen, trying my best to avoid the glares. Even though the way he spoke to me wasn't mean, it still brought tears to my eyes. As I entered the kitchen area, Magee asked me what happened. I didn't have the courage to tell her but before I could, the girl from this morning came rushing in.

"She dropped the whole tray of food and coffee on the customers of table number seven!" She exclaimed, sounding proud, partly because it could get me kicked out and partly because she had another reason to make fun of me.

Magee looked at me, with a rush of anger in her eyes which was soon replaced with sympathy.

"It's okey. I'll get that checked. I think it's enough for you today dear, you may leave now." She said, without sounding angry. I appreciated her concern for me and mumbled her a thank you before taking the apron off and leaving the kitchen.

As I stepped out, I noticed it was already getting cleaned and those boys were getting ready to leave. I felt horrible but couldn't bring myself to face them and apologise. I didn't have the chance to make out their facial features as I was busy draining them with coffee but I knew they were about my age.

I waited for them to leave first, checking the time. The clock above the counter read 4:30 so I decided I would take a walk around the shops to take mind off things and leave for home in half an hour or so.


The sound of cutlery was the only source of sound in this room. It felt like I was just stabbing my fork and knife in that poor piece of potato than eating it. I finally gave up and dropped it on the plate and stared around the room, knowing I was alone. I knew it would take me time to get used to this loneliness, I just didn't know how long. I never thought I would have to bake dinner for only one person or eat with no ones' company. It was hard to adapt the sudden change in life, I didn't even know if I ever would be able to. Talking to my friends and family, which I used to love, didn't exist in my life anymore. It was as if, all the colours from my canvas I painted were erased out against my will. The picture I painted of life, my picture, was empty again. I wasn't even sure if I would be able to find the correct paint to match the splashes which were left for me as painful memories.


I snuggled in my covers, trying my best to sleep but failing. Soon, my eyelids became heavier as sleep, which I knew would soon break, took over me, pulling me to a dreamless world.




AN: guys please PLEASE please leave me comments!!

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Have a lovely DAY!!!!!!


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