Chapter Three - My Third Home

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Tess POV

I woke up at around 8 the next morning and decided to shower. I did my usual routine (shave, shampoo, condition, wash) and got out. I wrapped a towel around my body and went to my trunk. I picked out cropped leggings and a random tank and undergarments. I had a bra on and I just pulled on my leggings when my room door flew open. I turned around completely shocked while dropping the shirt in my hand and just stared at my intruder. Fred. He was smirking slightly as he closed the door behind him. I was confused until I realized why. I was just in leggings and a red lace bra. I blushed and turned around and bent over to grab my shirt when I was turned around and pressed against Freds chest.

"You think it's okay to wear those leggings without a shirt in front of me? And then bend over in front of me?" Fred growled in a low voice while I looked up at him, slightly scared and very intrigued.

I had never seen this side of Fred. He was always joking around, but this side, it was extremely hot.

It was then that he threw me down on my back on my bed and crawled over me and started kissing my neck. I bunched his hair in my hands and bit my lip. I couldn't take it anymore I brought his head up and guided his lips to mine. The kiss was slow and passionate but full if need and lust, too.

After a few minutes of making out, I flipped us over so I was on top and straddeling Freddie. I quickly threw his shirt off and moves to his neck. My hands travelled down his chest and abs (once again, thank you quidditch) while his rested on my hips.

I had found his sweet spot and was sucking on it when the door opened and George voice scream "Hey Fre- AAAHHHHH MY EYES" and then the door slam and his footsteps run away. I quickly got off of Fred and went to get my shirt. I threw on my shirt and made my way to the bathroom.

I quickly braided my hair to the side and put on a little makeup. As I was finishing my eyeliner Fred moved in the bathroom with me and wrapped his arms around me. He rested his chin on my head seeing as his 5'10 frame towered over my 5'4 one. He then turned me around and pointed to his neck. There was a big hickey on the side.

I burst out laughing and he just glared at me. "You made it, you fix it" he told me.

"Fine fine I will, sit on the counter" I instructed him and went to my makeup.

I tried covering up the mark as best I could with concealer and powder but it was still faintly there.

"That's as best as I can do" I told him. Right then there was a knock on the door and I heard a new voice call "is it safe?"

I walked to the door to open it and saw standing there the boy who lived.

"Harry!! I didn't know you were here!" I said as I tackled him in a hug.

"Yeah Ive been here for a week, but you were obviously a but busy weren't you?" He asked pointedly looking at Fred through the doorway and wiggling his eyebrows.

"So you know about that?" I asked him a bit shyly.

"Yeah George told all of us. Minus Mrs and mr" he replied smirking a little.

I groaned and turned to Fred. "I'm going to kill your twin" I told him while he nodded in agreement.

"Anyway" Harry put in pointedly, "we're leaving for Kings Cross in 10 so hurry" he said before walking away.

I gestured for Fred to leave and he did so while winking at me and kissing me on the cheek on his way.

I chuckled and closed the door before leaning against it and sighing. I finished putting everything in my trunk and grabbed Tabby from under the bed before leaving the room and beginning the descent downstairs.

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