Chapter Nine - Roasting

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Tess POV

Its been almost two and a half weeks since Fred broke it off with me. I've been miserable. I have barely eaten, and I haven't talked to anyone but Hermione, Harry, my dad and Remus.

I haven't eaten but my grades are better than ever.

My routine everyday is wake up, go to classes, go do homework, lay in bed and eat a roll Hermione brings me.

This is all I do.

I'm broken.


Fred POV

I'm miserable. Everyone thinks I'm happy and the break up didn't affect me, but it did.

I think George knows how unhappy I am, but that's it.

People think I'm unaffected, a joker, real, but this is all a charade. I'm dying inside. I don't think I knew how much I need Tess until I don't have her.

I miss her.


I just finished my homework for today when I saw that I had Lee's paper stuck in a pile of mine.

I went downstairs to a packed common room and over to Ron and asked him if Lee was in his room.

Since he was and the twins are at quidditch I went up, knowing my way pretty well.

"Leebear it seems I have your po-" I stopped mid step, making eye contact with the twins.

"Uh- Tess what are you doing here?" Lee asked.

"I have your potions and I thought u were alone" I told him a weird thickness to my voice as I ripped my eyes from Freds.

My eyesight began to blur with tears and I knew that I could not cry I would not. I felt one tear drip and it hit the paper with a dull 'thud'.

I cleared my throat, put the paper next to Lee and turned to go and was in the door when I paused, hearing a voice call my name.

"Why dont I see you at meals?" George had stood up.

I turned my body but refused to meet his eyes.

"Tess. Why don't I?" He demanded.

"I'm not eating" I whispered.

"Tess that isn't healthy! Are you really so depressed you can't eat?!" He exclaimed, very loudly may I add.

"Am I depressed? Am I DEPRESSED? WHY would I be depressed? It's not like the love of my life broke up with me because I'm a screw up or anything! And it's not like I barely leave my room or talk to anyone because the looks I get, or because everything in this entire place reminds me of him! Not to mention that every time I see him, which is EVERYWHERE, that I feel the need to cry! I was offered a tryout for quidditch but did I take it? NO. Because HE is on the team. Do you see me in the common room? NO. Because memories of HIM or HE is there. I can't do it! I'm broken and I can't be fixed and it SUCKS! OKAY IS THAT ENOUGH? THATS WHY YOU DONT SEE ME GEORGE OKAY?" I practically screamed all of that at him.

I stood there with tears streaming down my face as I stared at the three shocked faces looking back at me.

I turned and walked out the door. I speed walked to the common room whiping my tears and stopped after the stairs to see the entire house looking directly at me, shocked.

Great, they must've heard.

I stood and slowly walked my dorm when I heard running and the door flew open.

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⏰ Last updated: Sep 09, 2015 ⏰

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