After Effects

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Queen Bey blares from my phone waking me from my sleep. I groan from the after effects of my intensive partying last night. Who's idea was it to throw a party on a Wednesday night anyways? Oh yeah. Mitch Grassi.

I loath Mitch Grassi. He just irks me. Everyone accepts him as an open gay but not me. No! Not Scott. But whatever.

I realize Queen is still singing and reach over to turn her off. I turn over and press my face into my pillow, trying to forget that I have to go to school today.

"You too?" I hear. I turn over slowly and open my eyes to see a blurry Kirstin standing in the doorway to my bedroom. I nod, wiping my eyes to clear them a little. To help I reach over to my bedside table and grab my glasses, sliding them onto my face.

"I need..." I trail off, not being able to remember the name of the thing I wanted. "I got you." Kirstie says, sitting down beside me and handing me a bottle of water and two little pills. "Thanks." I say, taking the pills and water and downing the pills quickly.

It's silent for a bit before Kirstie takes out her phone. "Scott." I grunt in acknowledgment. She taps my shoulder and shoves her phone in front of my face. My eyes adjust to the sudden brightness and I see a picture of myself and a small brunette.

And we're kissing.

I stare at the picture a little longer before I recognize the brunette in the picture. I grab the phone out of her hands.

"Mitch Grassi?!" I practically screech, all thoughts of my hangover forgotten. Kirstie nearly jumps three feet in the air and shushes me. "Scott." She snaps, covering her ears. "Shut up."

"I kissed Mitch Grassi?!" I say, a little quieter this time. She nods. "And you didn't stop me?!" I ask, my voice rising an octave. She shakes her head. "I tried Scott. Several times." She answers. My face heats up tremendously. "And that wasn't all you did." Kirstie continues. "What?!" She nods. "Yeah. You two got put together for Seven Minutes in Heaven."

My head falls to hit my hands. "Oh my god. Wait. Seven Minutes in Heaven is a boy girl game. Not boy boy." I say. She shakes her head. "Mitch came with us." Kirstie says simply. "Oh my god." I whisper.

"Do you know what we did?" I ask her. She shakes her head. "Nope. What you two did is between y'all." She answers, giving me a mischievous smirk. "I hate you."


"There's Mitch." Kirstie says from beside me. I blush as our eyes meet. He smirks and beckons me towards him. I ignore him and look at my feet. "Don't look now," Kirstie says, backing up a little, making me look. "Jesus I said don't look." I see Mitch making his way towards us. Kirstie turns tail and runs, no sprints, away from me. I look after her and go to follow her but a hand on my shoulder stops me. I turn back around to follow the hand to its owner and I meet the chocolate brown eyes of Mitchell Grassi.

"Mitch." I greet stiffly. "Scott." He returns. "I want to talk to you." Mitch whispers. I nod, instantly entranced by his tone of voice.

He moves his hand from my shoulder to grip my hand. Mitch tugs me behind him and I follow him blindly. He pulls me out of the school and into the parking lot. He stops momentarily to unlock his car, then pushes me into it.

"Do you remember anything from last night?" I blurt. He nods. "Yeah. You were wasted big time." He says simply. I blush, looking down. "Did we kiss?" I ask. He nods, smirking. "Was that your first kiss Hoying?" Mitchell asks. I nod, ashamed. "Are you sure? Because oh seemed pretty experienced." He says.

I take offense to the statement immediately. "I am sure. At least I don't whore myself around with everything that breathes!" I snap. His eyes darken considerably and he grips the collar of my coat.

"Listen here Hoying. Me and you did the deed last night and we did it nice and fine. But your drunk self ran off and left me after saying that I was a mistake." Mitch pauses. I would never do that. "Asshole." He mutters. My eyes lift to meet his.

"Mitchell." I start. "Shut it Hoying." He says. "Mitchell. I'm sorry. I really am." Mitch dips his head and hides his face. "Mitch." I says, moving to lift his chin. "Stop calling me that!" He yells, pushing my arm away.

"Sorry, I-" Mitch cuts me off. "Shut up! Shut up and get out of my car!" He yells, reaching across me and flinging open the door. He pushes me out onto the pavement and slams the door shut behind me.

I hear the engine turn over and I have to roll over to avoid him running me over. I get back onto my feet just in time to see Mitch's car speeding down the road in front of the school.

"What happened?!" Kirstie asks as I walk back into school. I shake my head. "Nothing. We just talked. Mitch went home." I answer. Kirstie nods, but is obviously not satisfied by my answer. "But-"

I cut her off. "No Kirst. Everything is fine."

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