Once Upon A London Street

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Oh oh....

Oh oh.... {insert perfect Scott Hoying riff here}

This is gonna be cheesy as Helllll!!!!! God I'm such a cheese. I hate myself lol

-Queen Grace

All the colors were muted to him. Here in London, the street were said to be bustling with color, but all Scott saw was gray. Everything was the same here, day after day. Nothing changed. Nothing came and nothing left.

That was the way of the world. Black, white, and gray are the only colors you know until you meet your soulmate. And as Paris is the city of love, Scott can only expect it to be bursting with color. But no. It wasn't.

Until he caught a small glimpse of color. It was blue- not a sad blue, a blue that screamed to him. It begged him to follow. And so he did. He followed the blue all the way to a café. It was a new one in his neighborhood that Scott had never seen before. He bumped into the color- and he was beautiful. Brown eyes, sharp facial features, and a warm voice he could listen to all day and all night.

"Oh, I'm so sorry!"

Scott smiled. "It's okay. No need to apologize."

The man's shoulders seemed to relax. "Wait, you speak English. Okay, that's great- um, I'm really sorry to ask you this, but I'm kind of lost-"

"Are you a tourist?"

"I tried not to make it obvious," said the man. He laughed, and colors exploded everywhere. "But yes, I am a tourist and I'm desperate for help."

Scott smiled. "Sure, no problem."

"I was actually going to eat here first and then figure out my way around- uh, do you want anything? I can pay, you just... order, please."

The man blushed, and Scott had never seen such a vibrant red.

"What's your name?" The man asked.

"Scott. And you?"

"Mitchell. But you can call me Mitch."

It had played out like a cliché movie.
They ate together, went sightseeing, and fell in love. Mitch moved to Paris- it was a long, frustruatingly orange process, but Mitch made it blue again.
Slowly, Mitch brought color into Scott's life, and Scott saw every color known to man when Mitch began to learn how to speak French. It was choppy and broken, but Scott loved it.

There was one phrase that stood out in particular- one phrase that was the same, beautiful blue Scott had first seen.

"Je t'aime."

"Je t'aime aussi, Mitchie."

I really hope you guys can kinda infer what Je t'aime means. If not, it means I love you and yeah. Cheesy.

Sue me.

-Queen Grace

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