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Serenity's p.o.v

" Justin it's five o'clock and dude the last time I ate was at 11:00 " I whined, he chuckled.

" and? " he tested, i raised an eyebrow.

" and when we gone get rid of m phone? " I said, he sighed.

" right now " he said, and chucked it out the window.

" 6 hours of driving for that?! " i said staring at him, he looked at me.

" okay listen here princess I do not have to help, I do not have to believe you and I can easily take my sweet time helping you... Now watch what you say to me before I drop you off right here " he hissed, I sat there shocked by his outburst and leaned back watching the word. Until I fell asleep.

I woke up to s shining light, I shifted and saw that it was 11:00 o'clock. I saw Justin keeping his head forward and I looked at him.

" want me to drive? "

" no " he replied, " we're almost there anyway "

" oh okay... Hey can I ask you something? " I asked, he nodded and glanced at me.

" shoot "

" so today I was just walking around getting to know the house and I saw a picture of you an some girl " I said, he shifted and kept driving.

" yea so? "

" so who was she Justin? "

" why do you want to know? It's a picture of me and girl, nothing special. " he replied, I shrugged.

" well you both seemed so happy I just thought that... She was someone you used to date " I said choosing my words carefully.

" yea well I'm not discussing this with you " he said " mainly because i don't know you "

" fine than don't answer " I snapped, she chuckled.

" what's so funny? " I hissed, he rolls his eyes.

" you! Serenity yo make everything harder than it needs to be having a my attitude for no reason! "

" well maybe if- " I started but he shook his head.

" maybe nothing " he said stopping th car, we were at a hotel.

" let's go " he said and we for out.

- in the hotel room -

Justin's p.o.v { ❤️😍 }

I kicked off my shoes and ran my fingers through my hair, I stretched And took my shirt off.

" whoa " I heard, I smirked and brushed it off.

" you sleep like this? " serenity asked, I chuckled.

" in boxers? "

" yea... " she muttered, I nodded and laid in my bed.

" well don't worry about it I got us separate beds "

" cocky "

" So? And if I was cocky I wouldn't help you so... Goodnight " I said shutting the light.

" ugh "

- morning time -

" wake up!! " a pillow hit my face, I groaned.

" I'm up "I Groaned, and she hit me again.

" than get up "

" shut up " I said and sat up, she scoffed and I rolled my eyes.

" let's go "

Back on the road.

Narrator p.o.v

Justin and serenity paid and drove off, before he went any further he wanted to get to know this girl he was helping.

" so serenity tell me about yourself"

" like? " she pushed, he shrugged

" before everything turned "

" okay uh I was a straight a student " but she seemed, very hesitant to hesitant.

" what's going on? Normally your snappy "

" look I one wanna talk about it okay? " she snapped, He sighed and let her continue but Jesus she kept hesitating. So He just stopped the car making her jerk.

" what do you know serenity? You seem really really shady "

She scoffed " how? "

" your hesitating, fiddling with your fingers and God serenity your being nice "

" that's how you see me? I just met you and you riddled me off as mean? " she said, the young man rolled his eyes.

" that's all you leave me sweetheart,.. Snappy comments and constant attitude " he said, In a matter-of-faculty tone.

She stayed silent

" so tell me what you know... " h said slowly, she sighed.

" my dad sold drugs and never paid the guys back, uh and when he disappeared it rolled onto me " she said, getting quieter with each word. It feared her when she saw Justin clenc the wheel, he turned to her slowly.

" so I'm helping you because of your dad who and I quote " never existed?! " he yelled, she sat there staring.

He got out the car and slammed it making her jump. She saw him walk around and lean in the hood shaking his head.

She got out and stood by the door

" Justin... Look in sorry! " she pleaded, he shook his head and rolled his eyes before tuning to her.

" sorry? Y-your sorry!! Serenity I'm putting so much in the line! So much an you can't tell me the truth! But you have the audacity to tell me your sorry! " he said, she went to say something but realized she shouldn't.

" I could lose my job! " he said loudly " I'm putting m own live on the line serenity "

She sighed and stared at him " what would you? Huh if your life was in the line?! "

He laughed sarcastically " oh I dunno tell them so they can actually help! " she rolled her yes and an he gripped her shoulders.

" serenity they found my home, my pictures and my family " he shook her one hard time " I'm trying save your family serneity but you just put mine one the line " he said.

She stared at him an felt depression

" Justin I'm sorry I-I didn't recognize it and and " she couldnt finish.

" this is no longer for you serneity this is for them " he said and climbed back in the car, she sat there and tried to regain her composure.

The car ride was tense, between them. Justin's anger was enough to make her wanna disappear. Everyone she would remind him of just try to make conversation he wouldn't reply with a sentence but just with " uh huh " or " okay " nothing to extravagant.

And honestly it bugged her.'

But the journey was supposed to go back home, which was about two city's away. To get her something's since she couldn't keep wearing his stuff motto mention they needed clues.

" make a left here " sh muttered, he did so.

" Justin just say something "

" your put lives in danger serenity... What do you wan me to say? "


Hope you liked it 😂😊

I love this book actually so pleas comment bye!!

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