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Time has stops. Shepherds not joking. And he just asked me to be his...

"Shepherd, I know how you feel,"

"Then? Will you?," He asks.

"I like you, and I love you too...,"

"So?," He asks. He looks curious as he waiting for the answer.

"But, I need a prove,"

"How? How can I prove it to you?," He asks. I think he gets a bit disappointed.

"Its up to you. How you're gonna prove it? I don't know,"

"I'm not as rich as him," He says.


"That classic guy," He says.

"Do you mean, Conrad?,"

"Yea, whatever whats his name," He says.

"I'm not that kind of girl, Shep,"

"If so, then I'm gonna prove you my way," He says.


"I'll be gentle," He says as he getting closer to me. He make his move as he starts to kiss me slowly. Then I tries to compensate his game. I leave a kissmark on his neck.

Shepherds moaning as he gets rough. Theres something wedge down there. God, I just realize thats Shepherds getting hard. Hes fuckin' sexy, haha...

"Hey, this isn't right," I says as I push him to the edge of the bed.

"Whats wrong? Why?," he asks with confusion.

"Not that easy, Shep...not now," I smirked at him. I felt satisfied now...haha...did I made him disappointed? I think so...XD

"Goddamn! I'm getting hard and you just played with it? You sucks," he looks upset.

"Haha...you're so cute...," I says as I tries to tease him.

"Its not funny, Phira! You'll suffer the consequence," he tries to threaten me.

"Ew...I'm scared...hahaha...," I says as I giggled to make fun of him. I think I made him burn. He really wants to have sex with me, haha....

"Whatever...," His eyes rolls.

"I'm sorry, Shepherd. You were really burned, haha...,"

He didn't answer. He just lays himself beside me. He is sleepy now.

"I've made you failed to making out with me...sorry..., goodnight. Sleep well...,"

He still not answer. I hear his soft snore. He is already asleep...


"How ya doin, b*tch?," Shepherd asks me as he serve our breakfast.

"B*tch? Really? You'll never making out with me then,"

"I'm sorry, its a joke," He says as he signaled me to sits beside him.

"Its okay. Don't you ever called me like that again!,"

"Yes, ma'am," He says as he laughed. We both laughed remember what we did last night.

"You're a good kisser anyway, haha...," I giggled.

"You think so?," He asks as he smiles. I just turned slowly and looked cynical towards him. But then we laugh again.

"Is that what you want? Make fun of me?," He asks.

"To be honest, yes. 'Cause you were burned I can't let you being harder. Anyway, did you think you're worth enough to stole my virginity?," I asks as I look at him with my sinister face and forwards to eat my breakfast. Shepherd just smiles when he saw my reaction. As long as I eat Shepherd just staring at me.

"What the hell r you doing? Eat your breakfast. You'll make us late to go working, Shep,"

"I'm not hungry, babe," He says with his mischievous gaze.

"Babe? Seriously?," My eyes rolled. Shepherd just smirked at me.

"Don't smirked! You looks like a criminals, haha...," we both laughed.


"Who has calling you?," Shepherd asks as he tryna checkin' out on my phone's screen.

"God...its Conrad!," I says. My eyes goggled.

"What should I do?,"

"Just lift the phone, I'll be quiet," He says. Then I lift the call from Conrad.

"Hello, Conrad. How ya doin?,"


"Me too, thanks. Whats wrong?,"


"I'm sorry. I'm staying in my friend's house now. I and Shepherd was trapped in the traffic jam last night so I told him to drove me to my friends house then I could stay here for a night,"


"I'm sorry, Conrad,"


"Yes, talk you later. Bye,"

"Whats that?," Shepherd asks.

"Conrad. He said that he has on his way to my apartment,"

"Why? For what?," He asks again.

"He wants to pick me up,"

"Pick you up? Really?," He asks.

"Yea, and hes actually the one who made me late to went working that time you know...,"

"Pffftt...theres other guy who drivin' you crazy?," Shepherd looks annoyed.

"Don't be jealous, you've stole my kissed last night, remember?," I asks as I tryna seduce him. I'm not really serious you know, haha...

"Yea, and you ruined it," He says.


"Who is that?," I asks as I look towards the door.

Somebody knock the door.



Vomment please....;((

Stay tune, guys....

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⏰ Terakhir diperbarui: Aug 20, 2015 ⏰

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