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God...I forgot something....


I decided to not answer the call from Shepherd.


"What happen?," asked him.

"I'm sorry...but, I think I have to go. We've spent our breakfast here for long enough anyway...,"

"Sure, I'm sorry too...it's been 8 o'clock. You have to go working, right? I was really sorry...," said him.

"Bye...see you later,"

"I'll call you," said him before I leave.

I'm actually blushed but I tries to act normally. He was kind of sucks but he changed. What makes him changed a lot after all this time? He was really paying attention to me, haha....

Today is a good day. I had breakfast with my ex and I'm late to go working. And I'm in trouble 'cause I'm lying to Conrad. Noooo....till when will I cover up my lies? I hope I could take back all of my lies.

I arrived at the music course late and as the consequence, I have to talk with the course owner. What a really good day.

*30 mins later*

"Where have you been, Phira? The students were waiting for you since a hour ago, you missed one class," said someone right behind me.

Yes, thats Shepherd. Whos again if its not Shepherd?

"Its childrens class. You know I hate childrens," I said. I knew I shouldn't say it but guess what? Reflexively.

"If you hate childrens than why did you work here?," asked him again.

"What a bullshit," I leave him. Again. For the third time. Everytime I met him its always ended up with I left him.

I left the morning class because Conrad. But I won't blame him. He was too kind or sorry...too handsome? No, its a joke. But he is handsome seriously.

I'm alone again this time. I can't imagine how disappointed the parents of the students who attend the morning class. They will judge me.

There's nobody in the recording studio. What a great chance. I decide to stand apart in the studio where I can sing as loud as possible.

Lets find out what in the studio. A guitar? Great. I will try. I've learnt to play this instrument. Its because of 5sos actually.

I wanna be as cool as them but poor me, I'm not talented to play guitar. Thousand failed attempts whenever I plays guitar. But theres no harm in trying.

"I like the summer rain, I like the sound you make, we put the world away. We get so disconnected...," I sing one of the 5sos's song, disconnected as I play guitar as bad as I can.

"Hey...what are you doing here?," a guy come into the studio. Again....hhhh....

"You. Again. I just want to be alone," I said to that guy, Shepherd.

"The door wasn't fully closed. I can still hear your voice outside. I have to doing my task here anyway. So you play guitar also?," asked Shepherd.

"No, I'm...an amateur,"

"I know. You played really bad," said him.

I think I'm accustomed with his frontal behavior now. I won't be mad. It wasting my energy.

"Yes, thank you. But I'm singing better than you,"

"At least I can sing," said Shepherd.

"What task did you doing here?,"

"Backing track. Somebody asked me to make a backing track for their solo performance," Shepherd replied.

"Okay, just get along with your task,"

I said it to him but actually I want to disturb him so bad. I play guitar as bad as possible.

"She looks so perfect standing there with my american apparel underware...you looks so perfect stand..,"

"Shut up!," Shepherd shouted to me. I make it, haha...

"She looks so perfect standing there...," I keep singing like I don't care about Shepherd. Louder I sing, harder I play the guitar. And...

"NO! Phira!," Shepherd shouted to me.
I break the string. I break the guitars string.

"Phira thats my guitar!," said Shepherd. He looks very mad to me.

"I'm sorry...I...I just...,"

"Here, give me the guitar. Lemme change the string with the new one," said him.

So, Shepherd didn't blame me for this. I think he was kind of nice now. As Shepherd change the guitar's string I sing with lower voice.

"She sleeps alone, my heart wants to come home, I wish I was, I wish I was, beside you...,"

"You love that four idiots?," asked Shepherd.

"Sure, that four Aussie's idiots makes me happier than you,"

"Whatever. I admit they're great anyway. But not as great as Metallica, haha...," said Shepherd.

"Everybody have their own idol," I replied.

"Here, play along," said Shepherd after change the guitar's string and handed it to me.

"What? I wasn't disturb you at all?,"

"Yes, you were really disturbing me. But I'm sure you can play better, I'll teach you,"



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Stay tune, guys...

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