chapter three: Asuna

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I laid Kokoro on the bed so she could get some sleep. She passed out almost immediately, and I found myself smiling before I knew it, even if Kirito had walked out.

I sighed sadly, 'He probably doesn't believe me and thinks that I was with someone before him... I wish I knew the truth behind these twins.'

I sat in a comfy chair, hoping that Kirito would be back soon, and that the baby, Hikaru, was okay. Even though I didn't know where they came from doesn't mean that they weren't mine; I still loved them just the same.

I looked at the time, it was getting late and I was tired. I thought about messaging Kirito, but voted against it: he had left for a reason, and messaging him wouldn't help that.

Leaning back into the chair, I closed my eyes. Kirito would be back soon, and a short nap couldn't hurt anything, right?

I slowly started to fade into my dream land, becoming vulnerable. It was a scary thing, sleeping in SAO, it was the only time that you couldn't protect yourself. I had faith though, that if anything did happen I would be okay - I was strong, and had quick reflexes, and had a reason to continue on: Kirito.


It was a regular sunny day in Aincrad, and I remembered back to when I had taken a nap in the grass with Kirito. Smiling to myself, I walked into the kitchen and began cooking breakfast for three. Today Kirito and I were going to try and find Yui's parents.

A part of me wished that we wouldn't find anything, so we could keep her to ourselves. She was the part of our family that had been missing, and now that she was here, I didn't want to say goodbye.

Yui came into the room, "Hi Mamma!"

"Hi Yui," I answered, smiling at her.

"Can I help?"

"Sure, it's not hard. But try to be careful okay? I don't want you to get hurt."


Together the two of us made breakfast, and it turned out pretty well. I poured a glass of orange juice for each of us, and set the table. I dished the food out onto the plates, and looked down at the meal I had prepared with Yui. It was simple really: scrambled eggs, sausage, and hash browns.

"Okay, time to go wake up Daddy!"

Yui grinned and ran off to the bedroom. She returned a few seconds later dragging a groggy Kirito behind her.

"We made breakfast!" She said cheerfully.

He smiled, "It looks and smells great!"

Everyone ate quickly, but Kirito finished his second helping before Yui had finished her first.

"What's wrong Yui, not hungry?" he asked.

"No... it's just, your planning on giving me away, aren't you?"

I gasped, and Kirito's smile fell. Tears slipped from my eyes as I hugged Yui tightly.

"Yui, I know you lost your memories, but there's a possibility that you came here with your real mom or dad. If we can, we want to help find who you came here with."

"What if I came here alone, or if who I came here died?"

"Well, we'll happily keep you with us, if that's what you want, Yui."

"I want to stay with Momma and Papa forever!"

Kirito gave a small smile and joined the hug, "We want that too, Yui."

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