4. Pitch Black

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"Are you really sure about that guy? What if he's a psyco too." Kristii asked.

"Of course. I won't risk your life for nothing." I shout-whisper said.

Where walking on the way to his apartment to get some things that he need. In this world, abnormal people like us exist. Its either by experiment, accident or they're born with it. Living a life like this might be a fairytale for the kids or some anime episode with happy endings. But for the likes of me, we are not sure if happy endings where meant for us. Because in this world, you make your own endings, and you don't make them like a kid makes his sand castle but you make your endings because your life depends on it.

"We're here." Sir Larry said. He gesture out his hands telling me to enter his house. I was a bit hesitant at first and gave him a look. He just gave me a blank expression, but I entered anyway. From the moment I entered the house I heard a voice.

"You fool. You have entered the demon's house. Now you can never escape!" and the voice of an old lady laugh as if it was really funny and repeatedly said it.

It gave me a bad feeling from that warning but soon faded when I saw his house inside. Every wall was full of paintings of people, angels and saints. Some of them are in detail, others are made plain. Some of them are emboosted while others are plain. There are also sculptures and figurines. And all of them are some what. . .

. .Realistic.

"Did you paint them all?" I ask sir Larry while sitting at his couch. Wow! Even the couch have knitted pictures of persons.

"Well, not exactly. My brother started it, but when he died I continued it."

"Ohh. Condolence, sir. I'm sorry for asking." I said. I looked at the tables which are made of woods. There are carvings of people, which looks like in great pain and sorrow and is like. . .

. . .asking . .

. . .for. .

. . .help. . ?

"Is there a problem?" I startled at his sudden question. I cool myself and answer him with a smile.

"No sir. Let's please proceed to the thing we need."

"Oh. Okay. I'll go get my things." he casually said and went to another room.

"He's here!" I heard Kristii's voice said. I shut my mouth and tried to listen to what her psycho dad will say. But my concentration was cut when sir Larry entered. I gesture a "keep quiet" sign and he looked at me confuse but still did what I said.

"He's gone. He just brought me some food." Kristii said nervously. I let out a big sigh.

"What happened?" he asked confused.

"Get out of here until you have time. He's a monster." that voice again.

"Remember the guy that took Kristii inside the picture? He was there a while ago." I said casually to hide the hunch I fell.

"Ohh. I see. So he's still alive. We better hurry then." I heard him said. I heard him.

I heard what he said on his mind. He knows something. He's invo--

"I told you. He's a demon." the old lady's voice said. What should I do? What if he's really a demon? I let out a big sigh to calm my heart for beating fast.

"Is there something wrong?" sir Larry asked. Shoot! I better keep my cool or he might notice it.

"N-no sir. Everything is well. Let's just proceed." agh! Keep calm. Keep calm. Keep calm. I repeatedly said to myself.

"Okay. Here are the instructions and some charms for you so you won't be touch by any other magic outside the circle I'll be making." he casually said as if he's a proffessor giving assignment to a student.

"Yeah. So no one can save you when he prisoned you inside like what happen to us."

"Yes. That's what happen to us."

"Save your life."

"Run! Hurry!"

"While you still have a chance, better run!"


I heard voices and I'll be lying if I said that I'm not afraid. But fear had creep inside of me that my sweating forehead can't hide it.

"Is there a problem?" sir Larry ask but this time he said it in a slow manner like he's teasing me.

I froze from staring at his eyes. His hazel eyes had turn bloody red. And a gush of wind start to form circling us.

"Hahaha! I told you. He's a demon. ."

And everything went pitch black.


Another update! Did you like it guys? Thanks for reaing! What do you think will happen? Update will be posted tomorrow!

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