His Brother

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= OCs and OOCs
= Wrong Grammars and Spellings
= G and Gokudera's beautiful and colourful words

~ I DO NOT OWN KHR except OCs and THE STORY ~

Author Note / AN

Yufufufu.. From the picture, I bet all of you already know who will show up~

"O..kay?" Ietsuna then went to the kitchen, planning to help Tsuna, but when he entered, he wished that he was dreaming and wanted to wake up now.

He saw the one he didn't wanted to see. His father, Sawada Iemitsu, was sitting on the head of the table.

"Oh, my Tuna-fish!! Welcome back!" Iemitsu grinned, bumping into Tsuna who was cooking, which end up leaving a burn mark on the boy's hand, and walked towards Ietsuna.

= Ietsuna's POV =

I looked at him with wide eyes. 'No, that's impossible! I must be dreaming, right?! He's not here! I am just imagining it!' I mentally screaming and mentally slapped myself, hoping the imagination disappear, but it didn't, it spoke instead. Showing me that he wasn't an imagination.

"Oh, Tuna-fish!! Welcome back!" He grinned, bumping into Tsu-kun who was cooking, which end up leaving a burn mark on Tsu-kun's hand, and walked towards me.

"Wha-" Before I said my sentence, he cut me off saying that his brother and his friends together with their children will come tomorrow morning since it's Sunday and would stay in Namimori for a few days.

'Do you think I care about that?! Tsu-kun is more important!' I gritted my teeth and glanced at Tsu-kun. I can see pain on his eyes but he still kept on cooking.

I looked back to father, "Father, when did you arrived here? And why didn't you called?" I asked with an annoyance tone but it seems that he didn't realized it, even in the slightest.

"Aaw.. My Tuna-fish miss me.. I didn't called because I wanted to surprised you!" He grinned.

"Yeah.. I was surprised.. Very surprised.." I glared at him and it looks like he didn't noticed it again.

"I have something to do, I'll probably come back late" He waved and left.

"Don't come back again" I clicked my tongue after he closed the door.

I went to the bathroom and took some bandages and went back to the kitchen.

"Tsu-kun, give me your hand, now!" I said, leaving a no-comment message in it and Tsu-kun just obeyed.

After I finished bandaging Tsu-kun's burned arm, he continued to cook.

I then asked if he needs any help, I sighed when Tsu-kun shook his head. I then went to my room.

《》《》《》 Hidden Sky 《》《》《》

= 3rd Person's POV =

Ietsuna is currently laying on his bed thinking about who kind of his father's brother is, forgetting the fact that that uncle of his used to come to Japan to meet him when he was young.

He was too absorbed to his thoughts that he didn't realized Tsuna had been calling him for a few times, already entered his room, and standing beside him.

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