Mochida Kensuke

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= OCs and OOCs
= Wrong Grammars and Spellings
= G and Gokudera's beautiful and colourful words

~ I DO NOT OWN KHR except OCs and THE STORY ~

Author Note / AN

'A servant who looked a lot like his master as if they are twins. I should try asking Alaude about this because I am pretty sure baka-Ie won't tell me no matter how much I threaten him' Reborn thought and left after making another glance at the boys.


"Fine, I'll teach you Chinese later after school. Deal?" Tsuna asked in Italian in a small voice that only Hibari can heard .

Hibari nodded and replied in Italian too "Fine, same time, same place, don't be late, Omnivore" and left looking for another students to be bitten to death.

Ietsuna the sighed in relieved then hurriedly put on his shirt and chased after Tsuna because after Hibari left, Tsuna also left, going to the class.

= 3rd Person's POV =

After that stripping incident, Ietsuna successfully acquired another nickname / title, which was pervert-Ie.

But none of his classmates called him that because when they first did it, Tsuna glared at them. Although there was one person still called him that, no matter how many times Tsuna glared at him.

After the last bell rang, that one person, Mochida Kensuke, the leader of kendo club immediately walked towards Ietsuna's desk and pointed him then shouted "Pervert-Ie! I challenge you to a kendo match for dressing inappropriate infront of Kyoko and Tsumiyoshi!".

Everyone stopped what they were doing and looked at him, some were shocked, some were smirking, Ietsuna, who stopped packing, paled, Kyoko stopped packing her back and looked at them, and Tsuna only made a glance at him before continuing packing his bag, but stopped when Mochida continued his sentence.

"Of course, the prizes are Sagawa Kyoko and Rusaku Tsumiyoshi! I know you like her and I know you wanted to be friends with him!" Mochida shouted. Everyone gasped and looked at the thee of them.

Ietsuna blushed at the first sentence, which was about Kyoko and frowned at the last sentence, which was about Tsuna.

Kyoko was surprised because he just made her the prize of their match. She turned to look at Tsuna, the boy was glaring dagger at Mochida. If glare could kill, Mochida would probably already sleeping and won't woke up anymore.

"If you lose, you do not get near them anymore and IF you win, you will get them both! Now, to the kendo club dojo, pervert-Ie! Gentlemen, bring him!" Mochida ordered his other kendo member, who do it happily.

"Yes, sir!! Let's go, Sawada!" They carried Ietsuna away to the dojo and the other students followed, leaving Tsuna, Kyoko and her best friend, Hana behind. "HIEE!!"



".....He's a jerk, making both of you as a prize. So, what will you two do? Ignore them or watch them?" Hana asked while arching her eyebrow.

"I am going home" Tsuna said and walked to the door, remembering a promise he made with Hibari that morning.

Before Tsuna passed through the door, Kyoko grabbed his hand and said "Tsu-kun, let's go watch it"

Tsuna turned his head to Kyoko and gave her a questioning look, then asked "Why? If you want to watch, watch it yourself. I am not interested, Kyoko"

Seeing Kyoko wanted to watch it with Tsuna as they were the prize, Hana decided to help. He pushed Tsuna's back and said "Okay, okay, let us all go there and watch.. And no comment, Tsu! Come on, Kyoko", which she received a clicked tongue from Tsuna and a thank-you smile from Kyoko.

《》《》《》 Hidden Sky 《》《》《》

When Tsuna, Kyoko and Hana arrived there, it looks like Ietsuna was not there because one of the kendo member said that he wanted to go to the washroom, which Mochida proudly announced that he had won since Ietsuna ran away.

"To think that Sawada escaped.. It looks like I overestimated Sawada" Hana sighed.

"Even if he comes or not, he will still lose. Because by the looks of those members who carried Sawada's armor and shinai, I am sure Mochida prepared a really heavy ones" Tsuna murmured and only both Kyoko and Hana can hear.

"Man.. That's low of him" Hana mumbled.

"Ie-kun.." - Kyoko

《》《》《》 Hidden Sky 《》《》《》

Ietsuna was walking at the hallway to take his back so that he can go back home. Then he got caught by Reborn and Reborn shot him.

"REBORN!! I WILL DEFEAT MOCHIDA IN KENDO WITH MY DYING WILL!!" and he ran back to the dojo, which made the students shouted and screamed.

'I am sure Reborn-san did something to him' Tsuna sighed when he saw his twin barged in on his boxer.

"Ie-kun! You came back!"

"Why the hell is Sawada in his boxer??" Hana murmured.

"Hah! So you decided to come back, huh, pervert-Ie! Since you are a novice in this, you'll win if you manage to get an Ippon from me" Mochida shouted and thought 'As if he'll win, the armor and shinai I prepared are freaking heavy and the judge, who is one of my member will never raise the flag even if that pervert manage to get an Ippon'

"Yo ..your ar-" the student got cut off. "I DON'T NEED IT!!" Ietsuna shouted and crashed on to Mochida. Then he pulled a handful of Mochida's hair, shouting "Hyakupon!", but the judge was too scared to raise the flag, which made Ietsuna thought those were not enough and started pulling all of Mochida's hair, then showed them to the judge while saying "zembupon", and the scared judge immediately raised Ietsuna's flag.

The students had their mouth hanging, a few seconds after that, they cheered and congratulate Ietsuna for winning. Ietsuna looked around hoping to see Tsuna was watching him fought against Mochida.

Then he spotted Kyoko and Hana, and when he looked closely, his eyes lit up, Tsuna was there, right behind them, watching his fight just now.

Tsuna then noticed Ietsuna was looking at him, turned to talked to Kyoko and left, making Ietsuna made a shock face -> Σ(゚Д゚)

When Tsuna left the building, he saw a magenta hair man with a tattoo on his face behind the tree watching him, and he was shocked when he saw a replica of him, who was wearing only a boxer came out of the building.

A few seconds after that, he left and Tsuna narrowed his eyes while watching him left, while Ietsuna didn't even realized someone was there.

"Tsu-kun! I never thought you would came and watched!" Ietsuna said happily. Tsuna turned him and said "I never wanted to but Kyoko and Hana dragged me here. Now, if you'll excuse me", Tsuna bowed his head a little and left because he had a promise to do. Ietsuna was about to chase after Tsuna but stopped when Tsuna said "And if you wanted to chase after me, you better put your clothes on", which made Ietsuna's face turned red.

I bet you know who that man is.. °(>▽<)°

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