Chapter 10: Horus's Story

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~Horus365's POV~
We crouched behind a bush near the front gate of Sky's mansion. Paw was with us, and we learned she's an ender. Sarah too. Her name is Ender Cookie, after all. Guards guarded the gate, and they looked armed. They had weird potions, and Deadlox and Seto were with them. Sky was standing with all of them, but the other two looked pained to be there. He was barking orders at them, and we talked to Pat and Jen. We made a plan. Pat and Jen would look around to make sure we were safe to go, and us three would make a run for it. We got in our positions, and waited for Sky, Deadlox, and Seto to go inside. After about 5 minutes of Sky screaming at them, they started walking inside. "ThreetwooneGO!!!!" Paw whispered, and ran. "No!" I whispered back, but she was off. I sighed. Darn. The guard grabbed her hair, and splashed her with the weird potion before she could teleport away. She stopped struggling, and turned around. Her irises (if you didn't know, irises are a flower, as well as the coloured part of your eye) were pure red, and her eyes were glassy. Her pupils were tinted red, and her hair was growing red highlights. "Okay, Sarah, don't make the same mistake as Paw." I whispered, and she nodded. "3... 2... 1... Go!" She whispered back, and we ran. We ran and ran and didn't stop. A guard lunged at me, and I lunged out of the way. I grabbed my swords, and hit him multiple times. He never got to splash the potion on me, because in no time I killed him. The puff of smoke came, and I picked up the weird potion. I couldn't look at it then, so I kept running. I heard Sarah scream behind me, and a splash. No. Sarah. She's gone. I kept running, but the thoughts came back again and again. 'She's gone.' 'There's no way to show 2besties you are who you are.' But I kept running. I ran and ran until I smacked headfirst into a pole, and the last thing I saw before I fell unconscious was Deadlox and Seto staring at me. And turned around- Sky and The Bajan Canadian.
I woke up in a room made of  iron blocks. I got up from my bed, dizzy, and fell back down. After a minute of lying there, I forced myself to get up. I saw Deadlox and Seto again, but no Sky or Bajan. I jumped up, and started running. But with my dizzy head, and nowhere to go, I collapsed on the floor. They walked closer to me, and I kept scooting back, until I was at a wall. "What do you want? I know I'm a Dimension Hopper, but why do you want me? I'm just trying to save my friend." I said, trying not to show that i was kind of scared. They crept closer, and Deadlox had a bottle of medicine. He poured some in a spoon, and put it near my mouth. "Drink it." He commanded, and I shook my head. Seto forced my mouth open, and Deadlox shoves the spoon in. I was forced to consume it. Goodbye, world. After about a minute, I opened my eyes. They smiled at me. But their smiles weren't evil, they were... Kind. "Feel better?" Deadlox asked, and I realized I wasn't dizzy anymore. I nodded. "I know what you're thinking. Why we're helping you." WAIT. HOW DID HE KNOW THAT?! "Relax. Your facial expressions are telling the whole story. No, I didn't read your mind. You just look extremely panic-stricken." I sighed in relief, and looked at Deadlox. He was on the bed. "Sit." He said, and I obeyed. I trusted them. "Why? Why are you being so nice to me? I'm a Dimension Hopper!" I asked, and they looked at me. Seto sighed. "It all started when Bajan decided I should go. When Deadlox voted me back in. He was the only one. So after I came back from depression, I still didn't start YouTube again. Instead, I went searching for a new life. A portal popped in front of me, and I fell in. I saw Deadlox here, and we set off. Then, Sky found us, we were taken as slaves, blah, blah, blah, and now here we are." "Oooookaaaaay... Right." I said, and nodded. "So why are you here?" "Well, I had just said goodbye to 2besties, and that evening I fell asleep. When I woke up, I was on the Nemphis, and once I got stuff on the grill, 2besties joined the game." He nodded back, and Deadlox looked at me. "2besties?" I nodded. "She's not fully Dimension Hopper. She's special." "Wait, what?" "I see something else in her. And also while she was in the kitchen Sky splashed her with the potion. It didn't do anything. Me and Seto here are starting to think there's another secret clan in Minecraft. If there is, that clan has more power than anyone can imagine." I nodded again, and we heard Sky. "Quick! Pretend to be dead!" Seto whispered. I got in the bed, and tried my best not to look like I'm breathing. Deadlox and Seto got off the bed, of course, and knelt down beside it. I heard footsteps, and Sky's voice screamed from the doorway. "You! What are you doing here?!" He screamed at them. "We're checking the... Kid we found earlier. We wanna make sure he's still alive." Seto said. He was clearly trying not to give away that I'm a Dimension Hopper. "He's not breathing! He's not alive!" Sky screamed, and... Wait, I'm that good at acting? Sky screamed at them for a few minutes, until he stormed out. I opened one eye, and then I jumped out of bed. "Go get your friend." Deadlox said, opening the window. "She's in one of the basement cells, lucky for you." I crawled out, and looked back. "You have no idea how grateful I am." Deadlox and Seto smiled, but Seto spoke. "All my life, I've been waiting for a chance to be as useful as I feel right now. And for the record, you aren't good at acting, Sky just doesn't notice anything." I forced a smile, and stood up. I still think that guy can read minds.
Hey people, 2besties here.
Now if you've read the last chapter, you know who I'm gonna shoutout to. But first, all you Stampy fans that watch his Broken Age Act 2 let's plays -like me- will notice the very slight reference to the talking fork when you need to use it. Anywho, the shoutout today goes to ma bestie Superpegasus , who FINALLY chose what she wanted to be. Go show her some love. And some Stampy!
Your friend,
2besties :) <3

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