Chapter 13: The Vision

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I wake up, opening my eyes, and going over what felt like a dream. Oh wait, life for me feels like a dream. I sigh, and sit upright, closing my eyes again. I let my head drop down, and sigh again. It happened, didn't it. I take a peek across from my bed, and there he is. I knew it. I look to my left, and see Paw and Cookie's beds are all messed up. They must've gone to get breakfast. I take one last look at Horus, and I can't help it. I walk in front of him, put my head down, and start to talk. "I know you can't hear me, but I want you to know, I miss you. A lot. I don't know how to get you out of statue form, but I'll keep trying until you are. Real, that is." I say, and look up at him. Standing there, as expected, but my body can't handle it. I end up hugging him, and my eyes shed tears. They're streaming down his back, but I don't care. I keep going. I feel something go limp in my arms, and hug me. I jump in surprise. "Horus!!" I scream, my tears lessening fast, and hug him even harder. We pull away, and my grin is sandblasted on. "Come on!" I say, and run to the stairs. "I'm hungry! We need to go eat!" He chuckles, and walks to me. "I'm coming!" He smiles, and we run to the top deck, where Paw and Sarah are sitting. "Hey 2b! Hi Horus!" Sarah says, and makes a confused look. "Horus?!" She asks, and I laugh. "Long story. What's for breakfast?" "Bacon. No eggs, since you can't exactly eat eggs in Minecraft." Paw says, and I giggle again. I sit down, eat my bacon, and tell my friends what happened. After we finish, I walk down, Horus, Paw, and Sarah following me, and see the jail cells. Something hits me. No, not literally. I realize something. "Guys! We have to go back to Sky's mansion!" I say, and they give me a confused look. "We forgot Pat and Jen!"
We hide outside a room in Sky's mansion, Crystal joining us. When we escaped, she had gone back to her home, but had come when we asked for her help. Since Horus still had his powers, he used a tracker to find them, since they could be anywhere. We found a room, and it was the one we were crouching beside. "Okay, so-" Horus whispers, and his eyes turn glassy. "What? What's happening?!" I whisper back, and he grabs my shoulder. I feel a bit dizzy, so I lean against the wall. I grab Sarah, she grabs Paw, and Paw grabs Crystal. We all lean against the wall, and I see the background change. Sky is in a lab, flying with red and yellow wings. Beside him, Pat and Jen, trapped in a cage. They're dangling above the void, but Sky says something different. "Hello Horus. As you can see, your friend is the fairy I've been searching for. I knew she would escape, but I have her powers now. I've been meaning to finish her in this endless pit. What do you think?" He sneers, and I realize Horus isn't holding my shoulder anymore. He's in front of us, looking up to Sky. He reaches back, grabs his Royal Guardian sword, and holds it in front of him. "Don't you dare lay a finger on my friend." He says, and swings at Sky. Sky chuckles, and turns into a shadow, like Pitch from Rise of the Guardians. The Sky army can do that. Wait, how did I know that?! Oh well, I won't worry about it for now. "Don't tell your friends about our little... Chat." Sky says, and appears in front of Horus. "Why not?" Horus growls, and swings his sword again. Sky turns back into a shadow, and moves swiftly across the walls, the same as last time. "Because they wouldn't understand, little boy." He growls back. He teleports behind Horus, and is about to push him off the edge, when Horus swings around, hitting Sky with the sword. Sky turns red momentarily, and falls to the ground. He looks at Horus, and screams, "You're lucky it's not real!" And with that, he disappears. Horus walks back, puts his hand on my shoulder, and teleports me and the rest of us back.
Hey guys, 2besties here!
I know it was a short chapter, but I hope you enjoyed nonetheless! So for the shoutout today, this person is very near and dear to my heart. It's my sister, Happy Chicken! I dedicate this chapter to her, since she's so short! Lol, JK sis! Love you. Anyways, even though she doesn't have a Wattpad account, I just thought I should shout out to her, 'cause otherwise she'll be reeeeeally angry. Anyways, see ya!
Your friend,
2besties :) <3

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