The silence of heartbreak

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Elaina stands in front of a grand brick mansion surrounded by tall conifer trees, the cold air whipping at her head like the thoughts of her and Damon circling around inside it. Sarah Elizabeth stands beside her, silent for awhile, and then, "well, go on Elaina, knock, Stefan says Mr. Mikaelson is quite a personable man." Looking up at the darkened sky scattered with barren stars one more time, Elaina slowly advances towards the dark oak door. She brings her dainty hand up and raps on it 5 times using the brass knocker, and after a short time, someone opens the door, slightly, as if to see who it was, and then all the way. It reveals a warm looking man, everything about him is warm. Medium length wavy warm brown hair, and glittering chestnut eyes, and his smile is the warmest of all his features. He is good looking, but not as much as Damon, and he doesn't strike her fancy in the same way Damon did instantly. He takes her hand and kisses it gently, but she does not feel that spark of electricity as she had when Damon had done the same. Stop it, she scolds herself. This man is nice and he is welcoming you into his home.
"You must be Elaina." The sound of his unfamiliar voice brings her to her senses. She nods.
"And you must be Mr. Mikaelson." She is surprised when he shakes his head slightly and smiles a bit wider.
"All of my friends call me Elijah. And, if you follow the so called rules of this household, then Elaina, we are sure to become just that." Somewhere in his speaking of that sentence, something in his eyes turned cold and dark, but now Elaina thinks she must've imagined it, because now they are back to normal. Her heartbeat slows and only then does she realize it's once rapid pace. Elaina mutters a polite thank you when she hears Sarah Elizabeth come up behind her. Elijah kisses her hand as well, as that is the customary greeting.
"Ah, you are Sarah Elizabeth I presume?" She nods.
"Yes sir." He looks her up and down before exhaling deeply, his eyes glittering more.
"Stefan certainly has picked a fine young woman to love." Sarah Elizabeth and looks down at her shoes bash fully, cheeks the slightest pink.
"Why, thank you sir." She replies quietly. He tsks.
"Again, my dear, please call me Elijah. It has been lovely meeting the both of you." He turns to Elaina. "Shall we get you settled in then?" He gestures inside, then turns once more to Sarah Elizabeth. "Will you be joining us this evening miss?" She shakes her head politely.
"No, thank you Elijah. I best be getting home." She walks up to Elaina and hugs her. They part, and her hands stay on Elainas upper arms while she speaks. "Darling, tis' fine. You will be safe and happy here with this fine gentleman, and I will visit often." Elaina nods, then backs away towards the house with Elijah, waving until she enters the door and Elijah closes it behind them. Elaina is homesick almost instantly. She immediately misses the homey feel of Damon's cottage, a feel that is lacking here for some reason, but it's no use, she can't go back, and this is her home now. She must learn how to adapt. So she follows Elijah up the stairs to her new chambers, and tries to ignore everything else, ignore every thought and impulse that screams at her that this is wrong. And when Elijah leaves her to tend to other things, she even tries her best to ignore the bird outside perched on the tree in front of the window, the shining black crow.

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