Thoughts turn cold

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The moonlight glints of the surface of the familiar pond. Elaina sits on the edge of the dock, shoes and stockings beside her, legs in the brisk water. It has been awhile since she has heard from either of the Salvatore brothers or Sarah Elizabeth, which seems peculiar seeing as she is the maid and Elaina's only friend besides Damon. Her thoughts and the crow had been keeping her awake, so she had decided to take a walk, and thought of the pond by Damon's cottage. It makes her feel closer to him. She stares at her reflection in the shimmering pool. She hopes Damon does return soon, for she is beginning to miss him. She closes her chocolate brown eyes for a moment and inhales the musty well known scent of Spanish moss, before her eyes snap open as she is shoved into the pond. Elaina thrashes, unable to move with the weight of her skirts and the murkiness engulfs her quickly. She opens her mouth to cry out, but no sound comes. She feels her dress catch on something at the bottom, and she thinks to make one last attempt at a cry of help before all thoughts turn cold.  Damon walks along the cobblestone path that leads to his cottage. After stopping in at the boarding house, he had seen Elaina wasn't there, so he had assumed the cottage was where she would be if she weren't there. Thinking of her makes him smile. He has missed her smile, her eyes, everything, and he wishes he wasn't gone so long. About halfway up the path, he hears something, like a scream of distress, and a single thought flashes across his mind. Elaina. He zips through the willow trees and to the pond. Without hesitation, he takes off his shoes and plunges into the water, coldness surrounding his body. He squints through the seaweed and murkiness to find her. Finally, after what seems like an eternity, he spots her and dives down in the depths even further to reach her-to save her. As he approaches, he is beyond relieved when the faint sound of her heartbeat reaches his ears. That sound, although so small, means a great deal; it means he still has time. Damon notices her skirts are caught on something, but he can't be worried about wrecking her clothes when he is worried about saving her life. He briskly tears at them to free her from the unseeable object's grasp. She is free, and he begins the process of bringing her up to the surface, as quickly as possible. Finally, after much exertion, their heads penetrate the surface of the water, and he hauls her onto the bank of the pond, then pushes himself up on it after her. Propping her beautiful head onto his lap, he tilts her head up, presses his lips to hers, and gives her breath, then moves to the side and starts pushing down on her chest, then gives her breath again. After repeated cycles, there is no evidence of heartbeat. Damon holds her and cries over her body. Then, all of a sudden, he hears it, a heartbeat,

followed by Elaina coughing up the water she had inhaled. He moves to sit behind her, holding

her until she finishes. He then gently wipes her chin with his thumb. "Damon," she breaths, then collapses into his arms. He leans his head down and kisses her forehead before picking her up, one arm over her shoulders, and one under her legs, pulling her close.

"Let us get you somewhere safe." He looks down and smiles. "Somewhere safe and warm." He carries her beyond the willow trees they know so well. Damon carries her into the cottage and lays her down on the bed, sitting next to her. He strokes her cheek gently, looking down upon her with love in his eyes. He can't imagine the thought of losing her forever. Elaina makes him a better person, and he never wants to let that go. Her warm brown eyes flutter open softly and she reaches for his hand, taking it and gives a small smile. Damon reciprocates, and he helps her prop herself up on the pillows. "Elaina, this may be to soon, but I need to know. What happened?" She sighs and looks down upon the mattress, shaking her head slowly.

"Someone just-pushed me in." She pauses, taking in a sharp breath. "I-I couldn't swim, because

my skirts were weighing me down, I" another brief pause and her eyes find his again. "Where

were you Damon?" Tears glisten in her eyes, and his expression softens even further. He takes both her hands in his and looks her straight in the eye.

"Oh Elaina, I promise you, I will never leave you again." She smiles softly with tears in her eyes

as she gazes into his, like their is an infinite path leading deep inside them. They seem to deeply communicate again, and their lips crash into each others, his tongue already caressing the velvety warmth of her mouth. The taste of him consumes her, and she lets it, moving her fingers through his raven hair.

Elaina wakes up late the next morning to an empty bed and a panicky feeling is installed within her. That feeling, however, goes away when she finds that Damon is in the kitchen, with another white undershirt left unbuttoned and his trousers on, cooking and humming a soft tune. She smiles, gathers his sheet around her naked body, and walks over to him. When he sees that she is awake, his grin grows significantly wider. "Good morning Miss Pierce!" He says seductively. She laughs and rolls her brown eyes half heartedly.

"Good morning Mr. Salvatore," she responds, and fines Damon's bright blue eyes still upon her.

"What's wrong?" She asks, looking down at the ground. He lifts her chin up with his index finger.

"Nothing. You are absolutely stunning." He whispers, and she looks at herself.

"Surely you don't find me stunning like this." His grin widens.

"You are gorgeous all the time, no matter what clothes adorn your body, what your hair looks like, you will always be breathtakingly beautiful. She smiles and kisses him softly.

"Thank you Damon." She lays down upon the bed and he follows after her. They lay there, and

for awhile, just forget the world.

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