Twenty Two: Reconcile

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Jason found himself looking at the girl who was on his mind not three seconds ago. Those beautiful sky-coloured eyes looked into his, shocked by his appearance.

The DA Assistant had her by the arm, trying to pull her away. Jason saw Venus' eyes dart to Barbra next to him, before her friends had her across the road towards a car park.

"Was that the DA?" Barbra mumbles.

"Yeah," Tim said from behind her.

Not that he had to, but Jason went to her apartment around lunch, to check on her. Granted it was creepy when he appeared in her bedroom window as she left in a towel.

He wasn't sorry for that though.

"So, that's what's up," Barbra interrupts his thoughts. "Why you've been so distracted."

Jason rolls his eyes and pulls out a cigarette. "Whatever," he mumbles. 

"Yeah whatever! You like her!" The red head sung like a child, pointing at the younger but taller boy with a grin.

"She's too good for him," Tim whispered. Jason whipped his head around to glare.

"You think I don't know that!?" He shouts. Tim freezes in fear as Jason turns back around, stalking down the footpath and away from his companions.

"Wait!" Barbra yells. She tells Tim to stay where his is and chases after Jason. "Couldn't you see it in her eyes? She misses you!" She shoves at his arm.

"No she doesn't. Didn't you see her? All rich and snobbish and...and...perfect," he finishes.

"If it helps, you're rich and snobbish too, remember?"Barbra grins. Jason rolls his eyes.

"Look, I came down here with you to help you find Dick a birthday present, not to get relationship advice. I wouldn't take it from you anyway," he says bitterly.

Immediately her expression changes and he realises how much he's messed up.

"Sorry," he says quickly, but by her expression he knows it's too late.

"It's not my fault he's dating that stripper," she says firmly. 

Jason knows. He remembers when Dick practically cheated on Barbra with Detective Ginger Meadow. What he didn't understand, was what his brother saw in the cop.

She was nothing like her sister.

He squeezes his eyes closed as his thoughts return to Venus, again. This was getting ridiculous. Her eyes and smile seem to be holding his mind hostage.

"Just go and see her. We all know you're not a relationship man, but you should at least try. Take her out tonight. It'll do you a world of good."

Jason watches as Barbra begins walking back to where Tim was. He groans, running a hand through his hair. Fine.


The hair, the eyes, the lips, the muscles. It all came rushing back in a chaotic storm in my head. To try and distract myself was a mistake. I'll never be able to not think about him.

"I can hear you," I say. My friends stop whispering in the kitchen. I don't turn away from the window though, continuing to watch the snow fall.

"I have a house to show tomorrow... I need to work out a plan," Taylor says.

"I've got some things to prepare for your return," Telysha adds.

"My next show's in a week. I need to finish some of the last pieces," mumbles Grace.

DA Meadow: The Sinner and the Sadist (A Jason Todd/Red Hood Fanfiction) BOOK 1Where stories live. Discover now